Why do descriptions disappear?
Hey all,
I'm tasked with documenting a server, and one of the key features of sql doc is that it allows you to put a description for a field. I'm curious why some of these fields disappear. I can save a project, and check a few days later to see some of the definitions missing.
I'm tasked with documenting a server, and one of the key features of sql doc is that it allows you to put a description for a field. I'm curious why some of these fields disappear. I can save a project, and check a few days later to see some of the definitions missing.
Best Answer
sam.blackburn Posts: 224 Gold 2
The "MS_Description" field isn't actually saved in your project file at all - a tooltip over the save button indicates that SQL Doc adds an extended property to the object in the database:
What is probably happening here is a few objects are being dropped and recreated by other people with access to the database, which causes them to lose their extended properties.Software Developer
Redgate Software
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