recent install, can't access settings

I just installed the latest version on a fresh copy of ADS and I can't use any of the commands.  For example

Best Answer

  • Jon_KirkwoodJon_Kirkwood Posts: 441 Gold 1
    Hi @end-user,

    Thank you for reaching out on the Redgate forums and sorry to hear about your SQL Prompt in ADS concern.

    Can I please check the version you have installed, so I can verify any issues in the program?
    When this forum post was created I believe the version might've been v0.2.13 and there has been a subsequent release v0.2.14 since then.

    If you aren't on the current version, can I request that you download and install it and confirm if this error is still occurring.
    It may also be worth uninstalling the extension and re-installing in case there has been some local corruption of files that would be fixed by a fresh install.
    Jon Kirkwood | Technical Support Engineer | Redgate Software


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