recent install, can't access settings

I just installed the latest version on a fresh copy of ADS and I can't use any of the commands.  For example

Best Answer

  • Jon_KirkwoodJon_Kirkwood Posts: 391 Silver 5
    Hi @end-user,

    Thank you for reaching out on the Redgate forums and sorry to hear about your SQL Prompt in ADS concern.

    Can I please check the version you have installed, so I can verify any issues in the program?
    When this forum post was created I believe the version might've been v0.2.13 and there has been a subsequent release v0.2.14 since then.

    If you aren't on the current version, can I request that you download and install it and confirm if this error is still occurring.
    It may also be worth uninstalling the extension and re-installing in case there has been some local corruption of files that would be fixed by a fresh install.
    Jon Kirkwood | Technical Support Engineer | Redgate Software


  • zahlloserzahlloser Posts: 1 New member
    I have the same problem!
  • JKJJKJ Posts: 4 New member
    edited January 8, 2024 8:30PM
    I had the same problem, and may have found a possible workaround (version 0.2.13).
    1. Open the file: `C:\Users\[ReplaceWithActualUser]\.azuredatastudio\extensions\redgate.sql-prompt-0.2.13\out\StylesFolder.js` in your preferred text editting tool.
      You might like make a copy of the file for backup reasons.
    2. Delete the line with this text `const valid_filename_1 = require("valid-filename");` (line number 18).
    3. Save the file (... and close editor).
    4. Open Azure Data Studio.
      Re-open if already open.
    Now SQL Prompt should be working i ADS.

  • end-userend-user Posts: 10 Bronze 3
    @JKJ - First, editing the extension's code seems like a bad idea not a workaround.  Second, you seem to be specifically addressing the style editing, but it seems like none of the commands are working.
  • end-userend-user Posts: 10 Bronze 3
    Yep, the new version fixes it.  Thanks!
  • That is great news.👍Glad to hear this has resolved your issue
    Jon Kirkwood | Technical Support Engineer | Redgate Software
  • eliza52eliza52 Posts: 1 New member

    Navigating through a recent installation can sometimes be tricky. Double-check the installation steps and ensure all prerequisites are met. If issues persist, consult the support documentation or contact customer service for assistance.

  • end-userend-user Posts: 10 Bronze 3
    eliza52 said:

    Navigating through a recent installation can sometimes be tricky. Double-check the installation steps and ensure all prerequisites are met. If issues persist, consult the support documentation or contact customer service for assistance.

    @eliza52 - boy that sounds like an AI generated response.  It doesn't provide any useful suggestions; indeed, it doesn't even connect to the question other than acknowledging it was a new install.
  • I am having the same kind of issue! can't figure out what is causing the issue.
  • end-userend-user Posts: 10 Bronze 3
    @talharehmaan I believe the most recent version just expired and they haven't released a new one.
  • aliajmalaliajmal Posts: 1 New member
    edited September 17, 2024 3:37PM
    Thanks @end-user, first I believed it was some kind of error or bug, but after reading your comment I got to know the whole scenario.Thanks.

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