recent install, can't access settings

I just installed the latest version on a fresh copy of ADS and I can't use any of the commands.  For example

Best Answer

  • Jon_KirkwoodJon_Kirkwood Posts: 442 Gold 1
    Hi @end-user,

    Thank you for reaching out on the Redgate forums and sorry to hear about your SQL Prompt in ADS concern.

    Can I please check the version you have installed, so I can verify any issues in the program?
    When this forum post was created I believe the version might've been v0.2.13 and there has been a subsequent release v0.2.14 since then.

    If you aren't on the current version, can I request that you download and install it and confirm if this error is still occurring.
    It may also be worth uninstalling the extension and re-installing in case there has been some local corruption of files that would be fixed by a fresh install.
    Jon Kirkwood | Technical Support Engineer | Redgate Software


  • zahlloserzahlloser Posts: 1 New member
    I have the same problem!
  • JKJJKJ Posts: 4 New member
    edited January 8, 2024 8:30PM
    I had the same problem, and may have found a possible workaround (version 0.2.13).
    1. Open the file: `C:\Users\[ReplaceWithActualUser]\.azuredatastudio\extensions\redgate.sql-prompt-0.2.13\out\StylesFolder.js` in your preferred text editting tool.
      You might like make a copy of the file for backup reasons.
    2. Delete the line with this text `const valid_filename_1 = require("valid-filename");` (line number 18).
    3. Save the file (... and close editor).
    4. Open Azure Data Studio.
      Re-open if already open.
    Now SQL Prompt should be working i ADS.

  • end-userend-user Posts: 10 Bronze 3
    @JKJ - First, editing the extension's code seems like a bad idea not a workaround.  Second, you seem to be specifically addressing the style editing, but it seems like none of the commands are working.
  • end-userend-user Posts: 10 Bronze 3
    Yep, the new version fixes it.  Thanks!
  • That is great news.👍Glad to hear this has resolved your issue
    Jon Kirkwood | Technical Support Engineer | Redgate Software
  • eliza52eliza52 Posts: 1 New member

    Navigating through a recent installation can sometimes be tricky. Double-check the installation steps and ensure all prerequisites are met. If issues persist, consult the support documentation or contact customer service for assistance.

  • end-userend-user Posts: 10 Bronze 3
    eliza52 said:

    Navigating through a recent installation can sometimes be tricky. Double-check the installation steps and ensure all prerequisites are met. If issues persist, consult the support documentation or contact customer service for assistance.

    @eliza52 - boy that sounds like an AI generated response.  It doesn't provide any useful suggestions; indeed, it doesn't even connect to the question other than acknowledging it was a new install.
  • I am having the same kind of issue! can't figure out what is causing the issue.
  • end-userend-user Posts: 10 Bronze 3
    @talharehmaan I believe the most recent version just expired and they haven't released a new one.
  • aliajmalaliajmal Posts: 2 New member
    edited September 17, 2024 3:37PM
    Thanks @end-user, first I believed it was some kind of error or bug, but after reading your comment I got to know the whole scenario.Thanks.

  • Same happend with me @aliajmal
    , lol these kind of silly issues truly just waste your time.
  • macmoonmacmoon Posts: 1 New member
    i faced this issue recently but i suggest you try to understand these are just bugs nothing at all, no need to worry keep moving.
  • AmeliaAmelia Posts: 2 New member
    edited December 8, 2024 7:05AM
    i faced this issue recently but i suggest you try to understand these are just bugs nothing at all, no need to worry keep moving.
  • eskill600eskill600 Posts: 2 New member
    Having trouble accessing settings after a recent install can be frustrating! Try restarting the application or reinstalling it to resolve potential glitches. For more helpful tips and engaging stories, check out Yellowstone on RTE Player!
  • williamfinchwilliamfinch Posts: 1 New member
    Having trouble accessing settings after a recent install? While you troubleshoot this, why not explore new opportunities with Jobs in Canada? Patron Career Staffing can help you find the perfect role to match your skills and expertise!
  • I encountered the same issue, but I may have found a potential workaround for version 0.2.13. Here's what you can try:

    1. Navigate to the file located at:

    2. It's a good idea to create a backup of the file before making any edits.

    3. Open the file in your preferred text editor (Notepad++, Visual Studio Code, etc.).

    4. Find and delete the line that reads:
      const valid_filename_1 = require("valid-filename");
      This line is typically located around line 18.

    5. Save the file and close your editor.

    6. Restart Azure Data Studio. If it’s already open, just close and reopen it.

    This should resolve the issue with SQL Prompt not working in Azure Data Studio. Let me know if it works for you!

    Additional tip: If you frequently run into issues with extensions, it's worth checking for updates or reinstalling them, as some compatibility problems might arise after version updates.

    ff advance 2024

  • DanLeo4411DanLeo4411 Posts: 1 New member
    I recently encountered this issue too, but I think you understand that these are just minor bugs. There's no need to worry—just keep going!
  • zaarashaikhzaarashaikh Posts: 2 New member

    I was recently facing issues accessing the settings after a new installation, and I found that it could be related to the login schedule. I came across a helpful resource that sheds light on this matter, and if you’re looking for guidance on managing your login schedule efficiently, I highly recommend checking out myaci schedule login. This might help resolve the access issues and ensure smoother functioning."

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