I cannot install SQL Search on new SSMS

Try to install SQL Search because we updated to ssms 18.3, we had the ssms version 17.9, we uninstall SQL Search, then ssms, we install sms 18, but now when i install the latest version tells me that another version is there and that I have to uninstall it, that's already uninstalled because it doesn't appear in programs and features, in the registry editor a sql search 3 record appears, but when running the uninstaller from cmd with administrator permissions runs it well, when trying to reinstall the same error, I removed the key in the registry editor, but the problem persists, please help this tool has become very useful to us, thank you!!
Here are some screenshots
And does not apper in Programs and nowhere at all...
I had uninstalled 2 older SSMS versions before running the Toolbelt install. Following the steps to reinstall SSMS v 17, uninstall ALL Toolbet items, and then reinstall them worked. Now SQL Search shows up and works in SSMS v. 18