Schema & suggestions

in SQL Prompt
When my tables names are unqualified (without schema) , SQL Prompt suggestions do not work. I have to qualify my table names with the schema to get suggestions.
Native intellisense works with unqualified table names on SSMS installation without SQL Prompt.
For my environment, unqualified table names are the best.
Thanks for posting on the Redgate forums.
When using the correct database SQL Prompt will suggest table names when entering something like
Without me needing to specify the schema.
Does the database you're seeing this issue on have multiple schemas? Could you confirm the version of SQL Monitor you are running, please?
Dan Bainbridge
Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software
Hi...The database I'm using has the dbo schema plus another schema. When I connect via SSMS without SQL Prompt installed, intellisense works fine. But with SQL Prompt installed I have to preface the table with the schema to get the auto suggestions.
I'm not running SQL Monitor...just SQL Prompt, version
Could you share what you are seeing vs what Intellisense shows you?
Dan Bainbridge
Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software
Dan Bainbridge
Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software