Massive Intellisense Drop-Down with SQL Prompt

in SQL Prompt
At some point in past few versions of SQL Prompt, the Intellisense drop-down menu has become massively wide, spanning multiple monitors. The menu starts at the left edge of whatever window SQL Server Management Studio happens to be on, and continues across all monitors until it reaches the right-most edge of the right-most monitor. It appears that the width of the drop-down is ALWAYS the entire total width of all my monitors together, such that if I have SSMS on the leftmost monitor, I can see the scrollbar for the drop-down on the right-most monitor, but if the SSMS is on any other monitor, then the drop-down's rightmost edge extends off the visible portion of the monitors and is not visible.
If I turn off the SQL Prompt "Enable Suggestions" option, then the native Intellisense of SSMS seems to work just fine, putting up the (normal sized) short list of suggested items. Turn on SQL Prompt "Enable Suggestions" again, and boom! it goes right back to massively over-wide mode.
Any suggestions or ideas on this one?
Best Answer
Russell D Posts: 1,324 Diamond 5
You can change the size of this by editing the%LOCALAPPDATA%\Red Gate\SQL Prompt 9\RedGate_SQLPrompt_CommonUI_Options_UIOptions.xml file.
Take a look at the CandidateListWidth and CandidateListHeight.
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Fix WAY Overdue