SSMS hangs

Since installing sql toolbelt, whenever I disconnect from our production vpn (aka the database open in ssms is no longer available) ssms locks up. Even if I wait until its responsive again, clicking anywhere causes it to happen again.
I have to force kill the app and open it again for it to work, and thats only if I disable the option for saving tabs.
Is there something I can disable to stop this happening? I frequently switch between vpns and this issue may force me to completely uninstall the product


  • Hi @SCrouchman,

    If this only occurs when the "Enable tab history" option is enabled do you have the option to "Automatically reconnect restored tabs" checked?  If you enable tab history but disable this option does the same behavior occur?

    I'm wondering if it's trying to reconnect the tabs when you drop the vpn as well.

    Kind regards,
    Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software

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  • So just tried it, it happens even with no tabs open. All I have to do is click in the object explorer pane and it locks up if the server isn't accessible anymore.

    Is there a way to disable ALL redgate sql products without uninstalling? I don't remember having this issue before but should probably check and confirm that
  • Hi @SCrouchman,

    See this other post for disabling the addons - unfortunately it's not as easy as a menu option due to how the integration to SSMS works.

    However, you said in your previous message it doesn't do it if you disable the tab history option, so it would seem to be specifically related to that.  If you uncheck the reconnect option I mention does the behavior still occur?

    Kind regards,
    Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software

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  • Sorry for the confusion, this is currently a constant issue.
    What I've done is disabled the option to reconnect tabs, this is so that I can force quit ssms and safely reopen it again. If I dont do this when I reopen ssms it just locks up again. To get around it originally I had to connect back to the vpn again so everything started responding and close all tabs and open servers.

    Confirmed this is definitely a redgate issue. If I follow those steps and remove all the extensions, I can safely disconnect from the VPN and keep using SSMS with the non available server still open in object explorer. If I put the extensions back and repeat the test, the moment I start interacting with SSMS after I disconnect it locks up, the only resolution is to force quit or reconnect to the vpn again, wait for it to start responding and then disconnect the server in object explorer.

    I'll try removing those extensions 1 by 1 to see if I can narrow it down
  • So, its definitely SQLPrompt & SQLSourceControl thats causing the issue, with SQLPrompt being the biggest offender.

    Steps followed for each test
    1. Make sure SSMS is closed
    2. Move an extension back into the correct folder
    3. Open SSMS
    4. Connect to VPN
    5. Connect to Server in SSMS
    6. Disconnect from VPN
    7. Connect to local Server in SSMS (via object explorer)
    8. Disconnect from Server from step 5

    With SQLSourceControl I can connect and interact with my local Server fine, but loading the context menu to disconnect from the other server locks up SSMS. However it does eventually load and I can keep opening the context menu with no issues. Trying to right click on any of the databases on that server does the same thing

    With SQLPrompt I can't even connect to my local server, it locks up immediately when I try to click anywhere in Object explorer. It does eventually respond and I can connect to my local server, but if I disconnect and try to reconnect same issue again. Also whenever I try to interact with the original server in anyway it locks up, this means if I right click to disconnect it will hang before showing the context menu, and often the menu will disappear when it becomes responsive again and I have to force quit ssms.

    Hope this helps, happy to try anything here. I could probably live without SQLSourceControl as only one of our systems uses that, but SQLPrompt is the main reason for having the toolbelt installed
  • Hi @SCrouchman,

    Hmm it doesn't seem to crash for me though it does go "not responding" at various points.  I am still able to click disconnect for the remote server.  The difference here being I'm not on a VPN, but I'll see if I can check this too see if it may specifically be over a VPN.

    Kind regards,
    Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software

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  • It doesn't crash for me either it just hangs. However it is bad enough with SQLPrompt installed that I have to force kill SSMS to be able to use it again.
    I've been running without that extension for a few days now, I get the occasional slow response when switching networks but it is a lot more usable than it was before.
  • Hi @SCrouchman,

    Sorry, I misspoke, it doesn't crash but does hang for a short period before I am able to disconnect the remote server and then it's fine.  I'll double check via VPN to see if it's different and also check with the team.

    Kind regards,
    Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software

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  • Alex BAlex B Posts: 1,159 Diamond 4
    Hi @SCrouchman,

    I'm working from home today and so have been able to try this.  Unfortunately I have not been able to reproduce the behavior you are seeing where you have to kill SSMS.

    It worked the same as when I disconnected my internet link in that SSMS froze for a minute or so (which felt like a while), but then I was able to right click on the instance and, after another pause of under a minute, I was able to disconnect the instance and proceed to use SSMS normally.  During this right click I couldn't click anywhere or on any other programs otherwise I would have to do the right click and wait again.

    I also tried clicking and right clicking on various parts of the object explorer in and out of the disconnected instance to try and help cause it not to recover, but, though it did take a little longer to recover, I was still able to disconnect the instance and continue.

    I'm not sure what the difference may be between our setups - I'm using Windows 10 and SSMS 17.9 on both machines and the latest SQL Prompt from home; it may have been the last 9.2 when I was checking it at work.

    Also, as far as I know we have not had any other customers reporting this behavior, so no way to tell if it's a specific VPN that is causing an issue in your case or something else perhaps.

    Kind regards,
    Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software

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  • SCrouchmanSCrouchman Posts: 6 New member
    So it sounds like you're seeing the same as me, its just that my example is a bit contrived. Under normal usage I wouldn't want to disconnect the instance, its in my example because its the only way to get it to start working normally. If you actually try to use the object explorer for anything it pauses every time, which is what you're describing.

    That to me is unusable, regardless of whether it never comes back or not. There is clearly something SQL prompt is doing every time I interact with object explorer which is causing it to try and communicate with the sql instance it can no longer reach and it has a very long timeout.
  • Alex BAlex B Posts: 1,159 Diamond 4
    Hi Steve,

    Righto, I'm with you now.  I'll speak to the development team and see what we may be able to do.

    Kind regards,
    Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software

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  • JoeHarkinsJoeHarkins Posts: 15 Bronze 3
    Hi, I came to report the exact same issue.  I am working to get my local teams using the redgate tools, but I am hesitant to advise anyone to install these add-ons at this point due to the monumental frustration and work stoppage it causes using SSMS.

    Any time a connection becomes unavailable for any reason (no tabs open at all, but the server open in object explorer) SSMS hangs entirely. This is not a VPN (issue is present when a local instance goes offline) or SSMS version (multiple in use/all same behavior) specific issue. 

    I usually just want to go the the offending server in the object explorer and disconnect, but right clicking on the server object causes it to hang even worse. I will then have to sit for ~1-2 minutes waiting for the disconnect option to become selectable. If I get frustrated waiting for this foolishness and click anywhere else on the screen then by the time the SSMS prompt unfreezes my clicks elsewhere have killed the context menu. 
    The only solution is a force quit, making me lose any other open tabs I was working on. 

    The expectation that every developer/admin is going to disconnect and log off of every connection in SSMS every time they pick up their laptop to prevent an add-on from losing its mind is unreasonable.

    This issue is pretty much a show-stopper in usability for SQL Prompt. I have been advising selective component installs of the toolbelt to get people working, but we had hoped to utilize SQL Prompt alongside the rest of the tools. 

    I will add my voice to the request for a fix here. 


  • Alex BAlex B Posts: 1,159 Diamond 4
    Hi all,

    I've heard back from the team after their investigation and unfortunately SQL Prompt's current architecture doesn't make it trivial to fix this and updating the architecture is the better solution. 

    This is something we want to address, but we don't know when we will be able to address it nor when it will come up on the road map I'm afraid.

    Kind regards,
    Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software

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  • brownrobmbrownrobm Posts: 6 Bronze 1
    I know this is an old issue, but since we've been WFH for a while and our company's VPN is dodgy this is a constant problem for me. Any updates as to whether this is on track to be fixed? To restate whenever the VPN drops me, SSMS locks up and has to be killed by task manager. 
  • SteveParksSteveParks Posts: 2 New member
    Has there ever been resolution to this issue?  I still have this issue everyday.  I have many clients and they all have their own VPNs and my problem if I'm working on Client A and Client B calls and needs me to do something real quick, I disconnect from VPN A and connect to VPN B, but then SSMS hangs if I didn't remember to close all Object Explorer connections to Client A servers.  I constantly have to force close SSMS and restart.
  • vjc123vjc123 Posts: 1 New member
    Having same issue, now many years later from original post.  I paid good money for this license; now I have huge regret.   I was working with local databases during my trial, now I am working with multiple databases installed behind VPNs and it pretty much makes SSMS unusable.  
  • MikkelMikkel Posts: 1 New member
    Same issue here, although not working through VPN. This sluggish behaviour really should be priortized as it is our only issue with RedGate that is likely see us discontinue using the toolbelt. 
  • HeadNerd79HeadNerd79 Posts: 1 New member
    edited August 19, 2024 2:33PM
    Also same issue here, I am guessing that there still hasn't been a resolution for this common problem in 6 years?  I guess I will just have to disable SQL Prompt, what a shame.
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