Disable all SSMS RedGate AddOns on SSMS Startup


Hoping someone can help on this one.
There have times where I have had corrupt databases. When I open up SSMS to take a peek the RedGate Addons I have installed make a nuisance of themselves by opening up lots ( and lots ) of pop ups telling me something is wrong.

Is there a way to start SSMS and provide it with a switch so that it doesnt load any of the redgate addons...effectively bringing it back to the way Microsoft released it.




  • Hi @Fizzy ,

    Thanks to @Michelle T , I hope you find the following useful:

    - If it's Pre-2016, unfortunately there isn't a neat way to turn them on and off. You'd have to uninstall SSMS Integration Pack Framework for the ones that use that - or wipe the registry entries in Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Red Gate\SIPFramework\Plugins. Uninstall SSMS Integration Pack 1 if you have SQL Compare and SQL Data Compare installed.

    - If it's 2016+ - go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\130\Tools\Binn\ManagementStudio\Extensions (or 140 for 2017) and move all the RG product folders elsewhere temporarily. You can run a batch file that moves the folders in and out.

    I'm afraid there isn't a switch you could use to turn them on and off...
    Kind regards

    Tianjiao Li | Redgate Software
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