Syntax for Automated Redgate Restore Jobs

The SQL Backup version 5.1 does not have scheduled restores.
Where can I find the correct syntax for redgate restore of a backup file as I need to setup SQL Agent job in SQL enterprise Agent 2005
Where can I find the correct syntax for redgate restore of a backup file as I need to setup SQL Agent job in SQL enterprise Agent 2005
Thanks Snapperfish
Comments ... STORE.html
Be aware that if you have encrypted the backup, the restore job will require the password to be stored in plain text.
Hope that helps,
The easiest way to get the syntax is to go through the Restore Wizard and on the last step click the Script tab, the restore script used will then be displayed and you can copy/modify it.
The basic syntax to restore a full backup over an existing database replacing it is :
When using in an agent job you should add the following error handling :
I hope this helps.
Redgate Foundry