3.8 RC capitalizes reserved keywords inside string literals

When typing a string literal, Prompt 3.8 RC likes to capitalize reserved keywords if I have that option enabled. For example, typing:
'Measurement Type
Followed by a space (which is NOT set to a completion key, by the way), results in:
'Measurement TYPE
Auto keyword capitalization shouldn't occur inside string literals (in fact, nothing should).
'Measurement Type
Followed by a space (which is NOT set to a completion key, by the way), results in:
'Measurement TYPE
Auto keyword capitalization shouldn't occur inside string literals (in fact, nothing should).
Jeremy Fuller
VP, Software Development
Organizational Intelligence, Inc.
VP, Software Development
Organizational Intelligence, Inc.
I've tried, for example, writing various statements with strings and I can't produce this issue e.g.
SELECT * FROM [dbo].[test] WHERE [words] LIKE 'select type join
This doesn't uppercase any of the keywords.
VP, Software Development
Organizational Intelligence, Inc.
Open a new query window type 'Measurement Type' and you get caps TYPE
now type
SELECT * FROM BBT WHERE BBTCode ='Meaurement Type' and you get lower case
Type simply Meaurement Type again and still lower case.
I can only make it happen when its the first line of a clean window so far.
VP, Software Development
Organizational Intelligence, Inc.