Restore to one moment in time from TRAN Log failing

Hi there,
I have been playing with the different backup and restore possibilities and have come up against a problem.
When I choose to do a restore of a transaction log and choose to restore to a certain point in time within the tran log the restore aborts.
Here is the T-SQL generated by SQLBACKUP:
I got the full backup restored with no errors but the tran log restore gives the following error:
If I perform a restore of the same tran log but let it restore the entire file I don't get the errors.
Am I doing something wrong here that stops the restore to an exact point in time?
I have been playing with the different backup and restore possibilities and have come up against a problem.
When I choose to do a restore of a transaction log and choose to restore to a certain point in time within the tran log the restore aborts.
Here is the T-SQL generated by SQLBACKUP:
master..sqlbackup N'-SQL "RESTORE DATABASE [TEST_DB] FROM DISK = ''U:\Backup\BACKUPTEST_20080109.sqb'' WITH NORECOVERY, PASSWORD = ''test'', REPLACE"'
master..sqlbackup N'-SQL "RESTORE LOG [TEST_DB] FROM DISK = ''U:\Backup\LOGBACKUPTEST_20080109.sqb'' WITH RECOVERY, PASSWORD = ''test', STOPAT = ''January 09 2008 10:25:08''"'
I got the full backup restored with no errors but the tran log restore gives the following error:
- VDI error 1010: Failed to get configuration from server. Check that the SQL Server instance is running, and that you have the SQL Server Systems Administrator server role. Error code: (-2139684861: The api was waiting and the timeout interval has elapsed.)
- Also check that the database is not currently in use.
- SQL error 3013: RESTORE LOG operation terminated abnormally.
- SQL error 3217: An invalid value was given for the STOPAT parameter.
If I perform a restore of the same tran log but let it restore the entire file I don't get the errors.
Am I doing something wrong here that stops the restore to an exact point in time?
SQL Backup Consultant Developer
Associate, Yohz Software
Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
that worked out fine.
Is it possible to get SQLBackup to change the format of this datetime field according to the locale settings of the sql server?