Install on 64 bit cluster-SQL BAckup

Troubles with this -
While trying to install on my w2k3R2 64 bit DB server, the install seems to have been successful.
I used the SQBServerSetup.exe file copied to my server to install.
However, when I connect from my GUI (on a different box), I get an error
"A problem was encountered whilst communicating with the server
'Failed to initialize local data store: The path is not valid. check the directory for the database. [Path=c:\Program Files\Red Gate\SQL Backup\Data\(LOCAL)\data.sdf"
The program actually installed on my DB server into the 'Program Files (x86)' folder. Can I change the path in the GUI program, or get this to work in any other fashion ? Seems like this may be 64 bit aware, but not 64 bit native ?
Pretty much dead in the water here.
While trying to install on my w2k3R2 64 bit DB server, the install seems to have been successful.
I used the SQBServerSetup.exe file copied to my server to install.
However, when I connect from my GUI (on a different box), I get an error
"A problem was encountered whilst communicating with the server
'Failed to initialize local data store: The path is not valid. check the directory for the database. [Path=c:\Program Files\Red Gate\SQL Backup\Data\(LOCAL)\data.sdf"
The program actually installed on my DB server into the 'Program Files (x86)' folder. Can I change the path in the GUI program, or get this to work in any other fashion ? Seems like this may be 64 bit aware, but not 64 bit native ?
Pretty much dead in the water here.
I changed the REG Key ( \\HKLM\WOW6432Node\RedGate\SQLBackup\BackupSettingsGlobal\(LOCAL) on my DB server to reflect the correct install path-
c:\Program Files (x86)\Red Gate\SQL Backup\Data\(LOCAL)
Still getting the error- because the 'data.sdf' wasn't installed on the server.
What gives ?
Latest (and of course... most critical) is this
master..sqlbackup N'-SQL "RESTORE DATABASE [xxxxxx]
FROM DISK = ''\\\Backup\Database\FromFP\FULL_xxxxxx_20070923_132938.sqb''
PASSWORD = ''xxxxxxxx''"'
Which gets me this reply ....
Warning 400: Failed to initialize local data store: The path is not valid. Check the directory for the database. [Path=C:\Program Files (x86)\Red Gate\SQL Backup\Data\(LOCAL)\data.sdf]
No gui, no SQL command line, no love
SQL Backup Consultant Developer
Associate, Yohz Software
Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
The 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Red Gate\SQL Backup\Data\(LOCAL)' folder was created, and several files were copied:
no 'data.sdf' file, however.
as well as a subfolder (x64) with one file:
This path is then stored in the registry, in the DataPath value under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Red Gate\SQL Backup\BackupSettingsGlobal\<instance name>\.
Could you please check if there is a DataPath entry in the registry, under the above node? Could you also please check if there is a data.sdf file in the folder described above?
SQL Backup Consultant Developer
Associate, Yohz Software
Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
See the first two messages in this thread -
When I initially installed, I was getting the error:
"Failed to initialize local data store: The path is not valid. check the directory for the database. [Path=c:\Program Files\Red Gate\SQL Backup\Data\(LOCAL)\data.sdf"
The program actually installed on my DB server into the 'Program Files (x86)' folder.
I changed the REG Key ( \\HKLM\WOW6432Node\RedGate\SQLBackup\BackupSettingsGlobal\(LOCAL) on my DB server to reflect the correct install path-
c:\Program Files (x86)\Red Gate\SQL Backup\Data\(LOCAL).
There are several files installed there, but NO data.sdf
Still dead in the water.
I've unistalled, and reinstalled. THe GUI opens, and when I attempt to register the Default instance on the virtual server, I get the error I detailed initially.
"A problem was encountered whilst communicating with the server
'Failed to initialize local data store: The path is not valid. check the directory for the database. [Path=c:\Program Files\Red Gate\SQL Backup\Data\(LOCAL)\data.sdf"
First - yes... it is an invalid path. The software was installed into the
c:\Program Files (x86)\Red Gate\SQL Backup directory
Second - it is REALLY an invalid because no such file as 'data.sdf' exists.
So - I'm stuck. I've just sent an email to support asking for assistance, but I've had better luckj in the forums, so I'll try once more.
Thanks !
Could you also please check if the folder <drive>\Program Files (x86)\Red Gate\SQL Backup\Data\<instance name> folder exists, where <drive> represents the drive where the SQL Server data files are stored?
SQL Backup Consultant Developer
Associate, Yohz Software
Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
Registry node HKLM\Wow6432Node\Software\Red Gate\SQL Backup\BackupSettingsGlobal\<LOCAL> DataPath key exists. It's value is:
c:\Program files\Red Gate\SQL Backup\Data\(LOCAL)
However, no such Path was created on my machine.
Note that prior to doing the reinstallation, I had deleted the Registry Node 'HKLM\Wow6432Node\Software\Red Gate' and everything underneath it.
In fact, during the reinstall, I chose to install on one of the cluster's shared drives, r:\. The program was installed on the shared drive at r:\Red Gate\SQL Backup\(LOCAL), but still... no 'data.sdf' file.
I'm surprised at why SQL Backup chose the C:\ drive to store the local daa store, given that this is a clustered instance. In the registry node for SQL Server, what are the values for DefaultData, SQLDataRoot and SQLPath? The last 2 would be found under the \Setup subnode.
SQL Backup Consultant Developer
Associate, Yohz Software
Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
The 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Red Gate\SQL Backup\Data\(LOCAL)' folder was created, and several files were copied:
no 'data.sdf' file, however.
as well as a subfolder (x64) with one file:
Note that when asked by the installer, I requested the program be installed on 'R:\', a shared cluster drive.
Nothing was installed to the 'R:\' drive.
Registry node HKLM\Wow6432Node\Software\Red Gate\SQL Backup\BackupSettingsGlobal\<LOCAL> DataPath key exists. It's value is:
c:\Program files\Red Gate\SQL Backup\Data\(LOCAL)
SQLDataRoot Key is :
R:\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL
SQLPath Key is:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL
No 'DefaultData' Key exists, on either of two seperate, similar installations
- remove the DataPath entry from HKLM\Software\Red Gate\SQL Backup\BackupSettingsGlobal\(LOCAL)
- bounce the SQL Backup Agent service
What is the new DataPath value in the registry?
SQL Backup Consultant Developer
Associate, Yohz Software
Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
the DataPath entry from HKLM\Wow6432Node\Software\Red Gate\SQL Backup\BackupSettingsGlobal\(LOCAL) ?
Removing thvalue from this Key, and restarting the Backup service results in the value being re-written as:
'C:\Program Files\Red Gate\SQL Backup\Data\(LOCAL)'
Would this be helped by walking through an uninstall / reinstall together ?
It's been more than a week without any meaningful assistance or suggestions, and I REALLY don't have much more time to spend on this. I need these servers up and running. Given that compressed / encrypted backups are a MUST for my environment, I will need to begin looking for other tools.
I opened an 'official' support case (F0007044) on this a week ago, I've been participating here as frequently as I can, and I'm no closer to working services than I was.
What more can I do ?