Different results between application and command line
Posts: 14
I am currently trialling SQL Compare using the command line, and seem to be getting some slightly odd results. I have tried to include an image of what I get in the application itself, which shows there to be no difference detected in any of the rows shown.
When I make the same comparison on the command line, I get the following report output:
Note the difference detected for the commented line, but the data clearly supports the application's result set; there is no difference. Is this a bug in the command line interface? Is there a setting I need to use to avoid this? I've just got the default settings for both the application and the command line equivalent, with the command line outputting a report to an XML file, but perhaps something is on or off by default that I need to change?
I am currently trialling SQL Compare using the command line, and seem to be getting some slightly odd results. I have tried to include an image of what I get in the application itself, which shows there to be no difference detected in any of the rows shown.
When I make the same comparison on the command line, I get the following report output:
<line type="same"> <left>[rowguid] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL ROWGUIDCOL CONSTRAINT [DF_Address_rowguid] DEFAULT (newid()),</left> <right>[rowguid] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL ROWGUIDCOL CONSTRAINT [DF_Address_rowguid] DEFAULT (newid()),</right> </line> <line type="same"> <left>[ModifiedDate] [datetime] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_Address_ModifiedDate] DEFAULT (getdate())</left> <right>[ModifiedDate] [datetime] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_Address_ModifiedDate] DEFAULT (getdate())</right> </line> <line type="same"> <left>)</left> <right>)</right> </line> <line type="same"> <left>GO</left> <right>GO</right> </line> <line type="different"> <left>-- Constraints and Indexes</left> <right>-- Constraints and Indexes</right> </line> <line type="same"> <left /> <right /> </line> <line type="same"> <left>ALTER TABLE [Person].[Address] ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_Address_AddressID] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([AddressID])</left> <right>ALTER TABLE [Person].[Address] ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_Address_AddressID] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([AddressID])</right> </line> <line type="same"> <left>GO</left> <right>GO</right> </line>
Note the difference detected for the commented line, but the data clearly supports the application's result set; there is no difference. Is this a bug in the command line interface? Is there a setting I need to use to avoid this? I've just got the default settings for both the application and the command line equivalent, with the command line outputting a report to an XML file, but perhaps something is on or off by default that I need to change?
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