Dependency Resolution for XML subqueries

I'm getting the following error :!:
Code fragment: assume #MyTempTable1 and #MyTempTable2 were created before and SP just executing fine:
Is there any way to modify the code for DT being able to properly resolve :?:
Parsed Dependency Resolution
18.09.2013 23:21:41
Unable to resolve object '[T2].[N].[value]' in unknown database '[(local)].[T2]' referenced by stored procedure '[(local)].[MYTESTDB].[dbo].[usp_TestingSpDependenciesWithXml]'. Ensure the database exists and that you have included it in your SQL Dependency Viewer project.
Code fragment: assume #MyTempTable1 and #MyTempTable2 were created before and SP just executing fine:
SELECT T2.N.value('local-name(.)', 'nvarchar(128)') as [FieldName], T2.N.value('.', 'nvarchar(max)') as FieldValue INTO #MyTempTable2 FROM (SELECT * FROM #MyTempTable1 FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE) AS T1(X) CROSS APPLY T1.X.nodes('/*') as T2(N)
Is there any way to modify the code for DT being able to properly resolve :?: