
Dependency Resolution for XML subqueries

heli2regheli2reg Posts: 2
edited February 12, 2015 4:56AM in SQL Dependency Tracker
I'm getting the following error :!:
Parsed Dependency Resolution

18.09.2013 23:21:41

Unable to resolve object '[T2].[N].[value]' in unknown database '[(local)].[T2]' referenced by stored procedure '[(local)].[MYTESTDB].[dbo].[usp_TestingSpDependenciesWithXml]'. Ensure the database exists and that you have included it in your SQL Dependency Viewer project.

Code fragment: assume #MyTempTable1 and #MyTempTable2 were created before and SP just executing fine:
	T2.N.value('local-name(.)', 'nvarchar(128)') as [FieldName],
	T2.N.value('.', 'nvarchar(max)') as FieldValue
INTO #MyTempTable2
AS T1(X)
CROSS APPLY T1.X.nodes('/*') as T2(N)

Is there any way to modify the code for DT being able to properly resolve :?:


  • Options
    SQL Dependency Tracker does not recognize XML queries in this version and believes the top-level object is the second database of a distributed query. The bug reference for this is DT-578.
  • Options
    Why does SDT (SQL Dependency Tracker) always return focus to the first node in the tree after you’ve selected and object under one of the trees nodes? For example after I have the DB Schema loaded and I expand the node within the tree that lists all the Stored Procedures, after :oops: I scroll down towards the end of the list of Stored Procedures and click on one the focus jumps back to the first stored procedure and so I have to scroll back down to where UI was at if I need to select another object. If there is a way to multi-select and avoid this please share that otherwise can this be added to the list of fixes...............
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