Problems with new version

I upgraded our SqlBackup to the new version and have had the following problems.
a) After the install, I was unable to connect to our server because of the missing xp_sqlbackup.dll. I know I have permissions to the server. I ran the statement suggested in an earlier message and it still didn’t work (after dropping the existing xp_sqlbackup.dll). Then I tried it again hardcoding the path to the new .dll and it seemed to work this time. So I got past this eventually.
b) I created a scheduled job through your tool to do a backup and it says it was created successfully. When I ran the job, it says it ran successfully but actually didn’t. When I look at the job history I get “Executed as user: NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM. Error executing extended stored procedure: Invalid # of Parameters [SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 20001). The step succeeded.â€. This doesn’t seem like a ‘step succeeded’. Here is the code generated. This is exactly the script sql backup created.
DECLARE @exitcode int
DECLARE @sqlerrorcode int
exec master..sqlbackup N'-SQL "BACKUP DATABASES EXCLUDE [master, msdb, model] TO DISK = ''C:\BACKUPS\<AUTO>'' WITH NAME = ''<AUTO>'', DESCRIPTION = ''<AUTO>'', ERASEFILES_ATSTART = 5, COMPRESSION = 1, THREADS = 1"', @exitcode OUTPUT, @sqlerrorcode OUTPUT
IF (@exitcode <>0) OR (@sqlerrorcode <> 0)
RAISERROR ('SQL Backup job failed with exitcode: %d SQL error code: %d', 16, 1, @exitcode, @sqlerrorcode)
c) This doesn’t seem like a ‘step succeeded’. One of the problems we had with the 3.0 version of Sql Backup was the lack of error reporting. If the backup failed, the job still reported success. The new version is supposed to report errors but fails on it’s own generated code and still doesn’t tell us.
We are looking at LightSpeed but are hesitant because of the cost but we need a reliable backup tool. We were very excited to see a new version of Sql Backup but not so much now.
Is there a newer version than the default upgrade?
We are running sql server standard ver. 8.00.2039 (sp4) on a NT INTEL x86 platform. OS is NT – 5.0
Thank you for your attention.
a) After the install, I was unable to connect to our server because of the missing xp_sqlbackup.dll. I know I have permissions to the server. I ran the statement suggested in an earlier message and it still didn’t work (after dropping the existing xp_sqlbackup.dll). Then I tried it again hardcoding the path to the new .dll and it seemed to work this time. So I got past this eventually.
b) I created a scheduled job through your tool to do a backup and it says it was created successfully. When I ran the job, it says it ran successfully but actually didn’t. When I look at the job history I get “Executed as user: NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM. Error executing extended stored procedure: Invalid # of Parameters [SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 20001). The step succeeded.â€. This doesn’t seem like a ‘step succeeded’. Here is the code generated. This is exactly the script sql backup created.
DECLARE @exitcode int
DECLARE @sqlerrorcode int
exec master..sqlbackup N'-SQL "BACKUP DATABASES EXCLUDE [master, msdb, model] TO DISK = ''C:\BACKUPS\<AUTO>'' WITH NAME = ''<AUTO>'', DESCRIPTION = ''<AUTO>'', ERASEFILES_ATSTART = 5, COMPRESSION = 1, THREADS = 1"', @exitcode OUTPUT, @sqlerrorcode OUTPUT
IF (@exitcode <>0) OR (@sqlerrorcode <> 0)
RAISERROR ('SQL Backup job failed with exitcode: %d SQL error code: %d', 16, 1, @exitcode, @sqlerrorcode)
c) This doesn’t seem like a ‘step succeeded’. One of the problems we had with the 3.0 version of Sql Backup was the lack of error reporting. If the backup failed, the job still reported success. The new version is supposed to report errors but fails on it’s own generated code and still doesn’t tell us.
We are looking at LightSpeed but are hesitant because of the cost but we need a reliable backup tool. We were very excited to see a new version of Sql Backup but not so much now.
Is there a newer version than the default upgrade?
We are running sql server standard ver. 8.00.2039 (sp4) on a NT INTEL x86 platform. OS is NT – 5.0
Thank you for your attention.
what is the version that's reported (it's in the column header) ?
SQL Backup Consultant Developer
Associate, Yohz Software
Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
Msg 20001, Level 1, State 20001
Error executing extended stored procedure: Invalid # of Parameters
but when i look on my machine, the path is - C:\Program Files\Red Gate\SQL Backup\(LOCAL)
the xp_sqlbackup.dll is version
sqlbackup ''
SQL Backup Consultant Developer
Associate, Yohz Software
Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
error: cannot find sql backup command line executable. registry information is not correct.
We first need to replace xp_sqlbackup.dll. If you can find xp_sqlbackup.dll in the C:\Program Files\Red Gate\SQL Backup path, check it's version. If it's 3.2, confirm that SQL Server is currently using that DLL by deleting it. This will not be possible, even if you issue a DBCC xp_sqlbackup(FREE) command, due to a quirk in SQL Server 2000.
If that is indeed the DLL, you would need to stop the SQL Server service. Then delete the DLL, and ensure that no other 3.x DLLs are present on your system. Copy the version 4 DLL to your SQL Server Binn folder. Start your SQL Server service.
Now run
sqlbackup ''
and check the reported version. It should read
SQL Backup (DLL v4.0.0.113)
If you encounter errors with missing extended stored procedures, you would need to add them manualy. There are 3 other extended stored procedures in version 4. Add them as follows:
sp_addextendedproc sqbutility, 'xp_sqlbackup.dll'
sp_addextendedproc sqbstatus, 'xp_sqlbackup.dll'
sp_addextendedproc sqbmemory, 'xp_sqlbackup.dll'
SQL Backup Consultant Developer
Associate, Yohz Software
Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
I'm dead in the water after upgrading from 3.2 to 4.0 :x ... php?t=1787
I used this post to figure it out: ... php?t=1780