Installing Microsoft ODBC Driver for SQL Server failed
I'm not entirely certain that this is caused by the latest version of Deployment Manager and/or the TeamCity plugin, since I unfortunately made some other changes on our "CI plus deployment" server at the same time (not very clever to change several things simultaneously, I know!), but currently we're encountering the following error in TeamCity:
This error occurs when your TeamCity plugin tries to validate the creation script during the build process.
What I do know is that this worked beautifully until last week, when I updated to the latest versions of Deployment Manager and the TeamCity plugin.
Any help in solving this problem is most appreciated!
Version numbers:
Deployment Manager:
TeamCity Professional: 7.1.4 (build 24331)
Red Gate TeamCity plugin:
SQL Server: 2008 R2 (Express Edition)
OS: Windows 7 Professional
[10:43:40]Updating database (20s)
[10:44:01]Creating scratch database sqlCI_69f21e75-4db1-4225-b58c-4ec2f4b66125
[10:44:02]Generating creation script (16s)
[10:44:19]Installing Microsoft ODBC Driver for SQL Server (1s)
[10:44:19][Installing Microsoft ODBC Driver for SQL Server] Starting: msiexec.exe /i "C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\plugins\RedGateSQLServer\assets\msOdbcSql\x64\msodbcsql.msi" /qn
[10:44:20][Installing Microsoft ODBC Driver for SQL Server] ##teamcity[buildStatus status='FAILURE' text='Installing Microsoft ODBC Driver for SQL Server failed with exit code 1603']
[10:44:24]sqlCI error occurred: RedGate.SQLCI.Engine.Error: Installing Microsoft ODBC Driver for SQL Server failed with exit code 1603
This error occurs when your TeamCity plugin tries to validate the creation script during the build process.
What I do know is that this worked beautifully until last week, when I updated to the latest versions of Deployment Manager and the TeamCity plugin.
Any help in solving this problem is most appreciated!
Version numbers:
Deployment Manager:
TeamCity Professional: 7.1.4 (build 24331)
Red Gate TeamCity plugin:
SQL Server: 2008 R2 (Express Edition)
OS: Windows 7 Professional
To workaround this, if you access the build agent machine and then get a copy of the msi (c:\TeamCity\buildAgent\plugins\RedGateSQLServer\assets\msOdbcSql\x64\msodbcsql.msi) and run the msi yourself, the TeamCity plugin will detect that it is installed and so not try to install.
The workaround did the trick!