Enhanced project options

We just upgraded to SQL Data Compare 10.
I propose project options for a new category called 'Comparison Results'. The options would be for the comparison results report only. This is used by us to export data value changes to a spreadsheet and given to a client to verify before applying any updates.
Comparison Results
- Show Identical Column Values as Blank in Results - default no.
I want to check this option so the Comparison Results will show blanks in the columns that are equal. When exported as a spreadsheet, a client can view at a glance what are the column values that differ. I have seen a similar request to export highlighted columns in the spreadsheet when the data values are different but this could be an alternative.
- Show null as blank in Results - default no.
I want to check this so the Comparison Results will show blanks in any column with null. When exported as a spreadsheet, a client would not see NULL in a column.
- Show Column Values when both are identical in Results - default yes
I want to uncheck this option so the Comparison Results will only show columns with 1 row difference in the data values. This would avoid viewing the Comparison Results and then changing the project table/view options to only compare columns when a difference from the last compare is highlighted.
I propose project options for a new category called 'Comparison Results'. The options would be for the comparison results report only. This is used by us to export data value changes to a spreadsheet and given to a client to verify before applying any updates.
Comparison Results
- Show Identical Column Values as Blank in Results - default no.
I want to check this option so the Comparison Results will show blanks in the columns that are equal. When exported as a spreadsheet, a client can view at a glance what are the column values that differ. I have seen a similar request to export highlighted columns in the spreadsheet when the data values are different but this could be an alternative.
- Show null as blank in Results - default no.
I want to check this so the Comparison Results will show blanks in any column with null. When exported as a spreadsheet, a client would not see NULL in a column.
- Show Column Values when both are identical in Results - default yes
I want to uncheck this option so the Comparison Results will only show columns with 1 row difference in the data values. This would avoid viewing the Comparison Results and then changing the project table/view options to only compare columns when a difference from the last compare is highlighted.
http://redgate.uservoice.com/forums/147 ... uggestions
We've been using UserVoice to keep track of feature requests for some of our other products for a while now, and we're just rolling it out for SQL Compare and SQL Data Compare - it lets us be a little more transparent with users, and because anyone can vote on the submissions it lets us focus on issues that are really important to our users.
Red Gate Technical Support Engineer
Red Gate Technical Support Engineer