Setup with a continuous integration server?

Is this possible? Is the only way to deal with SQL Source control through the UI? No console support? Or would I just need to checkout the SVN and build my own build script to make the DB? Does anyone have this running with Team City or any CI? I'm guessing to do DB versioning I'd need some compare tool as well.
Thank you
Thank you
Troy Hunt wrote a blogpost a while back describing some of this and it's well worth a read - see here
Redgate Software
You should be able to then use SQL Compare commandline on an automated basis to compare to your current source controlled revision and update. The new version is hopefully due out before christmas.
Redgate Software ... LTools.pdf
There are some code samples that demonstrate how sqlcompare.exe can be used as part of a continuous integration process.
Kind regards,
David Atkinson
Product Manager
Red Gate Software
Product Manager
Redgate Software