Do I have the right tool.

Here is what my situation is...

I have an master application that uses sql server as it's back-end.

I was successfully able today to generate a upgrade script with the samples of Comparaison SDK no sweat.

I then want to put that file on a ftp server somewhere. Again no sweat.

Now on the client side, there will be an app I wrote which will use the database as well, but locally this time... Therefore, whenever they logon I will check to see if there is a update file on the ftp, no problems....if there is I want to download it and then silently execute it...

So my question is this... is there an easy was to get the EXE generated by the SDK to silently run....



  • Hi there,

    Many thanks for your post.

    Depending on how you are getting the .EXE to run, you can do this through the command line by specifying the following:
    Applicationname.exe /quiet /server:XXX /database:XXX /username:XXX /password:XXX

    Does this answer your question?

    Peter Peart
    Red Gate Software Ltd
    +44 (0)870 160 0037 ext. 8569
    1 866 RED GATE ext. 8569
  • Is there another switch needed to specify if i want to create a database or upgrade an existing one...
  • Hi there,

    The /quiet switch just forces the .EXE to be run from the command line without a GUI popping up at all.

    I would have thought that if you were creating a new DB or creating an upgrade, that would have all been built into the .EXE, therefore there isn't a need for any additional switches.

    Peter Peart
    Red Gate Software Ltd
    +44 (0)870 160 0037 ext. 8569
    1 866 RED GATE ext. 8569
  • Thanks for the quick reply...

    I am very green as far as the SQL packagerCode Snippets goes.

    I know after running the sample I was able to create the EXE but when I would manually run it, I was given the option to Create a New DB or Upgrade.

    Is there something I missed in those samples
  • Hi there,

    If you wanted to create a database from scratch, then you would use the following:
    Applicationname.exe /quiet /server:XXX /database:<DBNameToBeCreated> /username:XXX /password:XXX

    If you were running an executable that upgraded a DB, the syntax would be:
    Applicationname.exe /quiet /server:XXX /rundatabase:<DBNameToBeUpgraded> /username:XXX /password:XXX

    A full list of command line switches available can be found if you run the following from the command line:
    sqlpackager /? /V /html > %FileOutputPath.htm%

    Hope that helps!

    Peter Peart
    Red Gate Software Ltd
    +44 (0)870 160 0037 ext. 8569
    1 866 RED GATE ext. 8569
  • Thanks...

    I just realized that I have more to do that I thought.

    I figured out using the SQLDATACompareCodeSnippets and the SQL ProviderExample will synchronize the data on the second database quite easily.

    However, what I want to is create a package with the block so I can send that package on a FTP server and then my clients will retrieve that at their convenience and update.

    I figured it out...

    Since I use a second database locally which is a copy of the clients database.... i have to create the package and update the second database.. so i need to execute the block AND package it

    Dim executor As New BlockExecutor()
    executor.ExecuteBlock(provider.Block, serverName, LiveDatabaseName)

    This updates the local destination database


    Using engine As PackagerEngine = New PackagerEngine(TemplateFolder, TargetPackageFolder, PackageName, m_SchemaBlock, m_DataBlock, OutputType.Executable)

    ' Add properties for the package
    AddPackagerProperties(engine, serverName, databaseName, schemaOptions, dataOptions)

    Console.WriteLine("Packaging the blocks into the target executable")
    RaiseEvent SomethingHappened("Packaging the blocks into the target executable", Nothing)


    Console.WriteLine("Packaged database '{0}' on server '{1}'", databaseName, serverName)
    Dim s As String = String.Format("Packaged database '{0}' on server '{1}'", databaseName, serverName)

    RaiseEvent SomethingHappened(s, Nothing)
    s = String.Format("Generated program '{0}'", TargetFullFileName)
    RaiseEvent SomethingHappened(s, Nothing)
    End Using

    packages the whole thing quite nicely

    I also created a table to specify which tables are to be updated.

    I therefore filter my tablemappings in my SetDataExecutionBlock

    For Each tm As TableMapping In TableMappings
    If DataRepository.SyncroTablesProvider.GetByCode(tm.Obj1.Name).Syncroniser = True Then
    tm.Include = True
    tm.Include = False
    End If

    And do the same in the SetSchemaExecutionBlock
  • Hi there,

    I am glad that you managed to get this working for you. If you need any further help, just let us know.

    Peter Peart
    Red Gate Software Ltd
    +44 (0)870 160 0037 ext. 8569
    1 866 RED GATE ext. 8569
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