Monitor number of vmotions
Posts: 15 Bronze 1
Since SQL Monitor is recording on wich ESX host our SQL VM's are running is it also posible to run a query on the SQL Monitor database to extract the number of times our SQL VM's swap from ESX Hosts?
Since SQL Monitor is recording on wich ESX host our SQL VM's are running is it also posible to run a query on the SQL Monitor database to extract the number of times our SQL VM's swap from ESX Hosts?
SQL Monitor samples the following VMware metrics:
It appears that we do not sample a metric to how many times it's swapped/vmotioned. Therefore, you have a couple of options you may wish to take.
The first is to submit a feature request / suggestion via this forum.
The development team and product manager responsible for SQL Monitor, manage this forum. Depending on the number of votes or comments a suggestion receives it may appear in a future version of SQL Monitor.
The second option is to create your own custom metric that queries for the number of times your SQL VM's swap from ESX Hosts. Further reading on creating Custom Metric can be found here.
Many Thanks
Senior Product Support Engineer
Redgate Software Ltd