Are there plans to build any plugins for JetBrains Rider?
We're using SQL Change Automation, but some of our DEVS make use of Jetbrains Rider for.NET development.
Are there any plans to develop plug-ins that can be used in Rider?
Are there any plans to develop plug-ins that can be used in Rider?
Best Answer
squigley Posts: 251 Gold 1
Good Morning,
Thanks for your inquiry regarding SQL Change Automation. Unfortunately at this time SCA doesn't have support of Jetbrains Rider as part of it's roadmap, I do apologize for the inconvenience that this brings. If you would like for this to become a feature, I would highly recommend creating a request in our user-voice in order for the developers to see the demand for such a feature.
Be sure to let me know of any other questions or concerns.
Product Manager
Redgate Software
Product Manager
Redgate Software