How does the damn thing work?
I try to optimise one of my simple WPF application.
I run the Perfromance Profiler (default option, I just choose the .NET executable to profile) and select a part of the time line with high CPU which I very well know are due to numerous computation in my code.
I try to show all method with source in both bottom up or top down mode and all I got is:
System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.Dispatch() or
LayoutApp.App.Main() // <= my main method
it's a bit dishearteniing.. how do I do to profile my code?!?!
I run the Perfromance Profiler (default option, I just choose the .NET executable to profile) and select a part of the time line with high CPU which I very well know are due to numerous computation in my code.
I try to show all method with source in both bottom up or top down mode and all I got is:
System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.Dispatch() or
LayoutApp.App.Main() // <= my main method
it's a bit dishearteniing.. how do I do to profile my code?!?!
Are you running ANTS profiler 4 on a laptop? if so this may be a SpeedStep issue. I recommend reading the following link; ... php?t=4514
Other than that I can't see this speedStep setup. But I'm in high performance mode (and I have ANT 4.1) that should be ok.
BTW ANTS3 used to work (it's not installed on this machine though) but ANTS4 always gave these strange results...
it would appear to be a synch issue that's causing the problem that SpeedStep technology is primarily to blame for.
Can I ask - if you don't select any region at all do you see all of the profiler results, so all your methods that executed appear in the tree/all methods.
You may have to go into your BIOS in order to disable SpeedStep. It depends on the motherboard maker etc...
You can also try unchecking the "hide insignificant results" to see how many more methods appear although this may not have any impact. (It hides methods taking less than 1% time with children).
it is... my mistake... :oops:
I choosed the inside of the activity pic, where it was busy creating my new WPF shapes.. (hence busy with system code), now if I include the start of the activity bell as well, I see my algorithm working, hey it's faster that the WPF rendering.. cool!!
Sorry for my rant....