Bugs in 5.0.3
Posts: 15
in read only login mode the Alerts screen doesn't display correctly with the data details in the wrong columns. Each column has data meant for the column to the right of it!
Databases in Simple recovery mode generate the Log Backup Overdue message - this includes Master even though the description of the error states "It will not be raised for the master database. "
Databases in Simple recovery mode generate the Log Backup Overdue message - this includes Master even though the description of the error states "It will not be raised for the master database. "
The first issue with Read-only users is known with reference SRP-10168 and has been fixed to be released in v5.0.4.
I have not been able to replicate the issue of databases in Simple recovery mode (nor the master database) creating log backup overdue alerts in 5.0.3 with SQL 2012 and 2014 - only those currently in full backup recovery mode are creating this alert (I started a db off in full and changed to simple and it still correctly doesn't create the alert). What SQL version are these datases in? Can you run:
And ensure they are listed properly as FULL/SIMPLE?
Kind regards,
Have you visited our Help Center?
Hopefully you've received a few direct emails with screenshots.
3 servers on 2008 Std Edition and one on 2008R2 Std are affected.
all are Simple and have Full backups each night.
Yes I merged the call from this post into your original call and will update here with the outcome afterwards.
Kind regards,
Have you visited our Help Center?
What OS version are you using with these servers? The only way we've been able to get a similar behaviour so far is to temporarily switch the recovery model to FULL then back to SIMPLE so want to ensure this isn't the case (seems unlikely but need to be sure). We are still looking into other reasons as well!
Kind regards,
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