Email Alert Frequency

KarenFKarenF Posts: 3
edited October 5, 2015 6:53AM in SQL Monitor Previous Versions
I have searched this forum as well as the "general internet" and have been unable to find whether SQL Monitor 4 will allow the frequency of emails to be sent for a particular alert. For example, we have a recurring issue (which we are implementing the solution for this weekend) where the transaction log file becomes full and we have set up the "SQL Server error log entry" alert. Since this alert is logged over a thousand times in the error log it causes issues with out email in general, specific mailboxes where the alerts are going, etc. I'd like to be able to define for the alert that it will only email every 5 minutes or even check the log every 5 minutes, but haven't found where to do that yet. Please help.



  • Alex BAlex B Posts: 1,159 Diamond 4
    Hi Karen,

    Sorry for the delayed reply!

    It is not currently possible to set the time between when alerts are sent - there is an enhancement request with internal reference SRP-5431 related to this. The issue of 'alert spam' is known and there is work planned for this in the future. I think your best bet will be to drill down the hierarchy to the specific instance having the issue in the alert configuration section (Configuration > Alert settings) and then disable the "SQL Server error log entry" alert or change the alert to send to a different email address in the Notification section; or deselect the "Send email notifications to" box so it doesn't send one at all.

    Kind regards,
    Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software

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  • Thank you very much Alex for your response and no worries about any delay since it wasn't a critical issue. I will give what you suggest a shot and hopefully the enhancement will happen sooner rather than later :) Thanks again!

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