
Ignore triggers and indexes

hcrippshcripps Posts: 2
edited September 29, 2015 8:15AM in SQL Comparison SDK 11
I am using vb.net program to update a database with table changes using SQL Comparison. However, if the target table has a trigger that is NOT in the source I don't want it to be deleted. I will take responsibility for managing conflicts between changes to tables and indexes/triggers.

Note: With the current version of the vb.net program, triggers and indexes are not affected if there are no changes in the table - even when the index or trigger does not exist in the source database.

I have tried Options.IgnoreTriggers and Options.IgnoreIndexes.

Can you give some ideas on how to handle this?

Here are snippets of vb.net code being used:

Dim SpecialOptions As Options = Options.Default
SpecialOptions = SpecialOptions.Plus(Options.ForceColumnOrder)
SpecialOptions = SpecialOptions.Plus(Options.IgnoreTriggers)
SpecialOptions = SpecialOptions.Plus(Options.IgnoreIndexes)
stagingDB.Register(sourceConnectionProperties, SpecialOptions)
productionDB.Register(targetConnectionProperties, SpecialOptions)
Dim stagingVsProduction As Differences = stagingDB.CompareWith(productionDB, SpecialOptions)
For Each difference In stagingVsProduction
Dim Msg As String = String.Empty
With difference
If difference.Type <> RedGate.Shared.ComparisonInterfaces.DifferenceType.Equal Then
.Selected = True
' These entities will not be deleted from the target database. For example, if a special view has been added to a client database, it won't
' be removed when syncronizing that database.
If .Type = RedGate.Shared.ComparisonInterfaces.DifferenceType.OnlyIn2 AndAlso .ObjectIn2 IsNot Nothing AndAlso
(.ObjectIn2.ObjectType = RedGate.SQLCompare.Engine.ObjectType.Table Or
.ObjectIn2.ObjectType = RedGate.SQLCompare.Engine.ObjectType.Trigger Or
.ObjectIn2.ObjectType = RedGate.SQLCompare.Engine.ObjectType.View Or
.ObjectIn2.ObjectType = RedGate.SQLCompare.Engine.ObjectType.StoredProcedure Or
.ObjectIn2.ObjectType = RedGate.SQLCompare.Engine.ObjectType.Schema Or
.ObjectIn2.ObjectType = RedGate.SQLCompare.Engine.ObjectType.Function Or
.ObjectIn2.ObjectType = RedGate.SQLCompare.Engine.ObjectType.UserDefinedType Or
.ObjectIn2.ObjectType = RedGate.SQLCompare.Engine.ObjectType.Role Or
.ObjectIn2.ObjectType = RedGate.SQLCompare.Engine.ObjectType.User Or
.ObjectIn2.ObjectType = RedGate.SQLCompare.Engine.ObjectType.Index) Then
.Selected = False
Msg = "exists only in target database and will not be removed from the target database."
End If
' Schema, Role, User will be updated only if it exists in the source schema and not in the target schema.
If Not .Type = RedGate.Shared.ComparisonInterfaces.DifferenceType.OnlyIn1 Then
If (.ObjectIn2.ObjectType = RedGate.SQLCompare.Engine.ObjectType.Schema Or
.ObjectIn2.ObjectType = RedGate.SQLCompare.Engine.ObjectType.Role Or
.ObjectIn2.ObjectType = RedGate.SQLCompare.Engine.ObjectType.User) Then
.Selected = False
Msg = " exists in target database. Target database will not be updated."
End If
End If
End If
End With


  • Options

    Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. There's no easy way of doing what you're asking, but I've discovered a way of achieving it by tricking the engine into thinking that the trigger is also in the source table. You need to do something like the following (this is C# but that's what I'm most familiar with)
    var sourceDatabase = new Database();
    var targetDatabase = new Database();
    sourceDatabase.Register(new ConnectionProperties("sourceServer", "sourceDatabase"), Options.Default);
    targetDatabase.Register(new ConnectionProperties("targetServer", "targetDatabase"), Options.Default);
    Differences differences = sourceDatabase.CompareWith(targetDatabase, Options.Default);
    foreach (var difference in differences)
    	if (difference.Type == DifferenceType.Different && difference.DatabaseObjectType == ObjectType.Table)
    		var sourceTable = difference.ObjectIn1 as Table;
    		var targetTable = difference.ObjectIn2 as Table;
    		foreach (var trigger in targetTable.Triggers)
    			if (sourceTable.Triggers.Count(x =&gt; x.Name == trigger.Name) == 0)

    I think the VB code would be something like this -
    Dim sourceDatabase = New Database()
    Dim targetDatabase = New Database()
    sourceDatabase.Register(New ConnectionProperties("PS-ROBERTCSQL2014", "doc_breaker"), Options.Default)
    targetDatabase.Register(New ConnectionProperties("PS-ROBERTCSQL2014", "doc_breaker2"), Options.Default)
    Dim differences As Differences = sourceDatabase.CompareWith(targetDatabase, Options.Default)
    For Each difference In differences
    	If difference.Type = DifferenceType.Different AndAlso difference.DatabaseObjectType = ObjectType.Table Then
    		Dim sourceTable = TryCast(difference.ObjectIn1, Table)
    		Dim targetTable = TryCast(difference.ObjectIn2, Table)
    		For Each trigger In targetTable.Triggers
    			If sourceTable.Triggers.Count(Function(x) x.Name = trigger.Name) = 0 Then
    			End If
    	End If

    Then you can recompare sourceDatabase and targetDatabase to generate a deployment script which will no longer drop the tables. It's not an ideal way of doing things, but it seems to work.
    Software Engineer
    Redgate Software
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