Sync From Command Prompt Problem
Posts: 4
I downloaded and installed SQL Data Compare 6.
Then I created new Project. i was able to compare and synchronize data between my servers successfully (job was taking apprx. less then 5 min. + i did all set up from SQL data Compare UI)
But when i try to run project from commandline tool (for scheduling purpose)
it took so long time at Comparing Database stage. Then program gave "Not Enough disk space error".
When i run project from commandline tool it creates huge amount of data on temp directory and takes long time but when i try to run project from UI, project successfully does comparison and synchronization (perhaps again it creates some data on temp directory but "comparing" stage finishes successfully in less then 5 min.)
Why this happens ? Could it be because i am using demo version or smt else ?
I downloaded and installed SQL Data Compare 6.
Then I created new Project. i was able to compare and synchronize data between my servers successfully (job was taking apprx. less then 5 min. + i did all set up from SQL data Compare UI)
But when i try to run project from commandline tool (for scheduling purpose)
it took so long time at Comparing Database stage. Then program gave "Not Enough disk space error".
When i run project from commandline tool it creates huge amount of data on temp directory and takes long time but when i try to run project from UI, project successfully does comparison and synchronization (perhaps again it creates some data on temp directory but "comparing" stage finishes successfully in less then 5 min.)
Why this happens ? Could it be because i am using demo version or smt else ?
i am not spam bot
Could Command line tool try to backup because i am missing parameter that tells do not backup before sync ?
way i use tool is :
C:\SQL Data Compare 6>SQLDataCompare.exe /PROJECT:"project.sdc" /SYNCRONIZE
the problem occurs because of a bug in verison 6.0, and will be fixed in version 6.1.
to use project files with Commandline tool
you need to add " /include:Table:XXXXX " switch
You're correct about the use of the /include switch on the command line - unfortunately in 6.0 it doesn't pick up the table selections you make in the GUI. Hopefully 6.1 should be released some time in the next few weeks, and that should make life a bit easier!
As for backup before sync on the command line, this isn't currently available, but is something we'd consider adding in a future release if there were demand for it.
Thanks for the posts,
Red Gate
Just to let you know, 6.1 is now out. You can get this by going to Check for Updates on the Help menu.
Red Gate
Has the database schema changed since you created the project in the GUI? The tables compared on the command line should match those compared in the GUI if you use the /project switch.
If you'd like to send me the GUI project and details of those tables that are being compared that you don't think should be and vice versa, I'll take a look and see if I can see where it's going wrong. My email address is robert dot chipperfield at
Red Gate
I sent you an email message containing the details. The project file is also attached.