SQL Prompt doesn't respect SQL XML DML statements

mscheunermscheuner Posts: 57
edited November 2, 2007 12:18PM in SQL Prompt Previous Versions
I use the XML fields in SQL Server 2005 and every now and then I need to use the XML DML statement to modify the XML fields directly.

When trying to enter a statement like:

UPDATE dbo.T_Entry
SET EntryData.modify('insert <IsSMEAdmin>True</IsSMEAdmin> as last into /DomainList[1]/Domain[1]/MailboxList[1]/Mailbox[1]')

SQL Prompt insists on capitalizing the "AS", "LAST", "INTO" and "MODIFY" keywords, even though they're clearly contained inside a string with the ' ' markers........ please don't ! The SQL XML DML statements are case sensitive and shouldn't be modified !



  • Eddie DEddie D Posts: 1,808 Rose Gold 5
    Thank you for your post into the forum.

    By default SQL Prompt will 'UPPERCASE' keywords in the manner that you have described.

    To modify this behaviour Open SQL Prompt menu->Options->Inserted Candidates->Select Case from the list in the left hand column->Case: Reserved keywords->Modify the drop down box from 'UPPERCASE' to 'Leave as is'.

    Hopefully this should resolve your problem.

    Many Thanks

    Eddie Davis
    Red Gate Software Ltd
    Technical Support Engineer
    E-Mail: support@red-gate.com
    Eddie Davis
    Senior Product Support Engineer
    Redgate Software Ltd
    Email: support@red-gate.com
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