How to re-map Views/Tables on Command Line?


I cannot find enough documentation that indicates how can one one re-map Views/Tables using the Command Line Tool. I need to compare two views that have different names and columns in two databases.

I can easily do this using the GUI by re-mapping the tables, selecting the columns and adding the comparison key. But cannot figure out how to specify both the table names and their respective columns in the command line tool.

Any help will be appreciated.


  • Hi,

    The way to do this is to create a project in the GUI, then run the command line with the /project switch to specify the .SDC file you just created. Unlike in version 5 and before, we will now respect object mappings set up using the GUI.

    Hope that helps,
    Robert Chipperfield
    Red Gate
  • Hi,

    Thanks for the tip. But I needed to automate the whole process, so I wanted a way in which I could not depend on the GUI for the parameters. Isnt there a way of supplying parameters directly or through the XML File meant for CommandLine ?

    Thank you
  • Hi,

    I'm afraid there isn't - if you want to do this, you'll either need to use the SQL Toolkit and do it programmatic ally, or you could take a look inside a .sdc file with some mappings set using your favourite text editor, though I'm afraid this is somewhat unsupported ;-).

    Robert Chipperfield
    Red Gate
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