Restore database in different location

Hi support
I have SQLBackup and SQL Server 2000
i backup my bases on a server and I want to restore on another server
but I must change the location of the mdf and ldf. How is this possible to make via script?
my script is restore.bat
"C:\Program Files\Red Gate\SQL Backup\(LOCAL)\SqlBackupC.exe" -SQL "RESTORE DATABASE [NewDatabase] FROM DISK = 'E:\data\database1\FULL_(local)_database1_20070710_031501.sqb' WITH RECOVERY, MOVE [NewDatabase_Data] TO 'I:\Data\NewDatabase_Data.mdf', MOVE [NewDatabase_Data] TO 'i:\journal\NewDatabase_Log.ldf' ,REPLACE" -E
but i have
Server: Msg 3013
Restore Database is terminating anbormally
Server: 3234
logical file 'NewDatabase_Data' is not part of database 'NewDatabase'. Use Restore FileListonly to list the logical file names
SQL backup exit code : 1100
Last sqk error code : 3234
I have SQLBackup and SQL Server 2000
i backup my bases on a server and I want to restore on another server
but I must change the location of the mdf and ldf. How is this possible to make via script?
my script is restore.bat
"C:\Program Files\Red Gate\SQL Backup\(LOCAL)\SqlBackupC.exe" -SQL "RESTORE DATABASE [NewDatabase] FROM DISK = 'E:\data\database1\FULL_(local)_database1_20070710_031501.sqb' WITH RECOVERY, MOVE [NewDatabase_Data] TO 'I:\Data\NewDatabase_Data.mdf', MOVE [NewDatabase_Data] TO 'i:\journal\NewDatabase_Log.ldf' ,REPLACE" -E
but i have
Server: Msg 3013
Restore Database is terminating anbormally
Server: 3234
logical file 'NewDatabase_Data' is not part of database 'NewDatabase'. Use Restore FileListonly to list the logical file names
SQL backup exit code : 1100
Last sqk error code : 3234
"C:\Program Files\Red Gate\SQL Backup\(LOCAL)\SqlBackupC.exe" -SQL "RESTORE DATABASE [NewDatabase] FROM DISK = 'E:\data\database1\FULL_(local)_database1_20070710_031501.sqb' WITH RECOVERY, MOVE b]OldDatabase_Data[/b TO 'I:\Data\NewDatabase_Data.mdf', MOVE b]OldDatabase_Log[/b TO 'i:\journal\NewDatabase_Log.ldf' ,REPLACE" -E
You can find out the logical names of the original database by using RESTORE FILELISTONLY e.g.
"C:\Program Files\Red Gate\SQL Backup\(LOCAL)\SqlBackupC.exe" -SQL "RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK = 'E:\data\database1\FULL_(local)_database1_20070710_031501.sqb' "
SQL Backup Consultant Developer
Associate, Yohz Software
Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
i have in command dos :
"logical name : database_données"
but with
"C:\Program Files\Red Gate\SQL Backup\(LOCAL)\SqlBackupC.exe" -SQL "RESTORE DATABASE [database] FROM DISK = 'E:\data\database\FULL_(local)_database_20070716_020003.sqb' WITH RECOVERY, MOVE 'database_données' TO 'H:\Data\database_donnees.mdf',REPLACE" -E
error message :
logical file 'database_donnùes' is not part of database 'database'
exit code : 1100
I have a problem with the accents how then I to circumvent this concern?
SQL Backup Consultant Developer
Associate, Yohz Software
Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
I try to create a procedure to restore in the event of cut. Indeed the replication not being more possible it will remain the copy then the restoration of the base. We want to automate this procedure that I would qualify exceptional.
And it is faster because all is prepared in advance
what's the extended stored procedure ?
can you explain ?
EXEC master..sqlbackup N'-sql "RESTORE DATABASE [database] ..." '
If you need to run via the command line, you can use osql, but instead of specifying the command directly, use the -i parameter to specify an input file saved in Unicode format, containing the above command.
SQL Backup Consultant Developer
Associate, Yohz Software
Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
ok thanks
i am to oblige to use the commande line
can you explain how I can use osql and -i I do not have to find reference in the assistance
The help file is included in the installation of SQL Backup, but it's also available online at
There is a section under 'SQL Backup Toolkit' called 'Toolkit Parameters'.
Hope this helps!
SQL Backup Project Manager
Red Gate Software
ok thanks but i have the same message avec "é"
i use osql with a file in command DOS
restore.bat :
osql -E -S (local) -i C:\Exploitation\scripts\Database_directory\restore.sql /o RESULTAT.TXT
EXEC master..sqlbackup N'-SQL "RESTORE DATABASE [database] FROM DISK = ''E:\data\database\FULL_(local)_database_20070716_020003.sqb'' WITH RECOVERY,MOVE ''database_Données'' TO ''H:\Data\database_Donnees.mdf'',MOVE ''FG_INDEX'' TO ''H:\Index\database_Index.NDF'',MOVE ''FG_INDEX2'' TO ''H:\index\database_Index2.NDF'',MOVE ''database_Journal'' TO ''H:\Journal\database_Journal.ldf'',REPLACE"'
1> 2> SQL Backup v4.6.0.815
Restoring BoTampon (database) from:
SQL Server error
Server: Msg 3013
RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
Server: Msg 3234
Logical file 'boTampon_Données' is not part of database 'BoTampon'. Use RESTOR
E FILELISTONLY to list the logical file names.
SQL Backup exit code: 1100
SQL error code: 3234
i am completely lost
thank you for your assistance
- first, run the restore command in Query Analyzer, to make sure that everything works
- if it is fine, then save the script. Ensure that you save in the Unicode file format and not the ANSI format.
- test the script using osql. It should run without errors if it ran successfully via Query Analyzer.
SQL Backup Consultant Developer
Associate, Yohz Software
Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
all is ok
Thank you very much of your assistance