Database Data Size confusion?

essamughalessamughal Posts: 35
edited October 19, 2006 8:59PM in SQL Backup Previous Versions

I have a database on production total size is 10 GB approx, MDF = 7 GB and LDF = 3 GB, when red-gate takes backup it sends email as

10/18/2006 1:36:49 AM: Backup data size : 2.076 GB
10/18/2006 1:36:49 AM: Compressed data size: 472.404 MB
10/18/2006 1:36:49 AM: Compression rate : 77.77%

Now, I am confused since I was thinking my database is 2.076 reading these emails, but originally it is taking 10 GB on production and I was misinterpreted by the email.

What is the original size of my Database?

One event I want to mention, there was some un-used table approximately 4 GB before two weekd and I deleted them on production before that the email from red-gate was like that:

10/4/2006 1:40:50 AM: Backup data size : 6.481 GB
10/4/2006 1:40:50 AM: Compressed data size: 1.271 GB
10/4/2006 1:40:50 AM: Compression rate : 80.38%

After doing that I was happy I reduced the size of the database by 4 GB, but the original size of the database is still 10 GB.

Please, can anyone explain to me? It is very important for me?



  • peteypetey Posts: 2,358 New member
    What is the original size of my Database?
    The database size (data + log) is 10 GB, and the data in it occupies ~2 GB. Perhaps an example would illustrate this better (you may need to change the location of the backup files):
    USE mytest
    CREATE TABLE table001 (col1 char(8000))
    INSERT INTO table001 VALUES (REPLICATE('A', 8000))
    DECLARE @count INT
    SET @count = 1
    WHILE @count < 10
    	INSERT INTO table001 SELECT * FROM table001
    	SET @count = @count + 1
    EXEC sp_helpdb mytest
    PRINT ''
    PRINT 'backup result for "full" database'
    PRINT '---------------------------------'
    BACKUP DATABASE mytest TO DISK  = 'e:\temp\mytest_01.bak' WITH INIT, FORMAT
    PRINT ''
    PRINT ''
    my results:
    Processed 592 pages for database 'mytest', file 'mytest' on file 1.
    Processed 1 pages for database 'mytest', file 'mytest_log' on file 1.
    BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed 593 pages in 0.422 seconds (11.496 MB/sec).
    DROP TABLE table001
    EXEC sp_helpdb mytest
    PRINT 'backup result for "empty" database'
    PRINT '---------------------------------'
    BACKUP DATABASE mytest TO DISK  = 'e:\temp\mytest_02.bak' WITH INIT, FORMAT
    PRINT ''
    PRINT ''
    my results:
    Processed 80 pages for database 'mytest', file 'mytest' on file 1.
    Processed 1 pages for database 'mytest', file 'mytest_log' on file 1.
    BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed 81 pages in 0.404 seconds (1.624 MB/sec).
    USE master
    DROP DATABASE mytest

    Notice the difference in the number of pages that are backed up, although the database size has not changed (look at the results of sp_helpdb). Thus, when SQL Backup reports the 'backup data size', it is reporting the amount of data that was actually backed up i.e. the number of pages x 8 KB. That would also have been the size of a native backup i.e. if you performed a normal backup using SQL Server, the backup file would be ~2 GB, and not anywhere near 10 GB.

    The compression rate is also calculated using this number. Some tools might calculate the rate using 10 GB as the denominator, thus giving a compression rate of 95%. It's open to interpretation, I suppose.
    Peter Yeoh
    SQL Backup Consultant Developer
    Associate, Yohz Software
    Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
  • Hi;

    Thanks for explaining me that in details.

    1- Now, my question is that now is the data size in the database is 2 GB then where the 8 GB is used in my case. I can see 3 GB would be in Log but where the 5 GB is used.

    2- How can I reduce that size of the database which seems useless since I have only 2 GB data in my database.

  • peteypetey Posts: 2,358 New member
    1 - The 5 GB isn't 'used'. It is allocated, but not used by any objects, probably because the object no longer exists.

    Peter Yeoh
    SQL Backup Consultant Developer
    Associate, Yohz Software
    Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
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