How to specify comparison options in SQL Source Control

David AtkinsonDavid Atkinson Posts: 1,464 Rose Gold 2
The comparison and synchronization options available in SQL Compare can also be specified in SQL Source Control using the instructions posted here: ... 1202000521

Please let us know which options are most useful to you so we know which ones to fully implement in an Options dialog.

David Atkinson
Red Gate
David Atkinson
Product Manager
Redgate Software


  • This works great on large databases with many encrypted stored procedures. Without setting the "DecryptPost2kEncryptedObjects" to false, it would take 30+ minutes for Source Control to look for our changes. Thanks for sharing this!
    Kevin Eckart
    Database Administrator
    USA Truck, Inc
  • I've tried manually adding "CaseSensitiveObjectDefinition" (as "True") in the ComparisonOptions.xml file but it doesn't seem to have any effect in SQL Source Control. Is anybody else having the same issue or am I missing something?
  • Brian DonahueBrian Donahue Posts: 6,590 Bronze 1
    I've had a look at the source code, and if I understand it correctly, the case-sensitivity is set by setting the appropriate case-sensitive collation in RedGateDatabaseInfo.xml file. Can you please try that and let me know if that works?

    For instance:
  • Brian DonahueBrian Donahue Posts: 6,590 Bronze 1
    Just following up: did changing the RedGateDatabaseInfo.xml file get the database to work in a case-sensitive way?
  • SQL Source Control added support for TFS 2012 in version 3.1. The implementation leaves something to be desired, so 3.1 had been pulled from public release.
  • You are recommended to commit this file into your source control system (SQL Source Control will not do this for you, so use the client relevant to the source control software you are using, i.e. Tortoise if you are working with SVN) so that other developers can retrieve the file into their own Working Base, ensuring that all users are working with the same options.

    If you need to unlink and re-link your database, you will also need to Get the file from your source control repository, as re-linking creates a new Working Base folder.

    Checking the ComparisonOption.xml file in source control is easy enough. However, if i unlink and re-link I have to "know" to go to the working base folder and update from source. I then have to close SSMS and reload. This is not going to go over well with my development teams. I hope there are plans to have it automatically retrieve the ComparisonOptions.xml from source if it already exists and use it before comparing source and database.
  • Brian DonahueBrian Donahue Posts: 6,590 Bronze 1
    Can you please post this suggestion to UserVoice? ... ce-control

    Thank you.
  • In the version of SSC that I am using ( Win7/SQL 2008 R2 SSMS)...right clicking on the linked-to path does not bring up the context window shown in the article referenced in this forum. The context menu that comes up only contains "Copy". The article says any version after 3.0.5 should support this. In the past this has worked fine for me. If I manually copy an old ComparisonOptions.xml to my does not seem to take affect even after restarting SSMS.

  • Elegantly works on large databases :P
    The best thing I found some kind of on the internet clash of kings cheats
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