I uncheck that I don't want Functions packaged up...

shaffer911shaffer911 Posts: 2
edited April 13, 2012 9:23AM in SQL Packager Previous Versions
Good Morning,

Using Packager to package a SQL Server 2008R2 database.

I uncheck all the Functions and Stored Procedures because I don't need / want those packaged up.

Package is generated successfully, however it INCLUDES functions, despite me unchecking those.

Am I doing something incorrectly?




  • Eddie DEddie D Posts: 1,808 Rose Gold 5
    Hi Shaffer911

    Thank you for your post into the forum.

    I suspect that you did not disable the "Include dependencies" option before creating your SQL Packager project. Although you did not include your functions or stored procedures, if you have included objects that have dependencies to the deselected objects they will still be included as the "Include dependencies" option is checked or enabled by default.

    To turn off or disable the "Include dependencies" option follow the steps below:

    1. Start up SQL Packager, when the packager window opens - close or cancel the diaglog box on the type of package you wish to create.

    2. Now select the Tools menu ->Options ->Schema Options Tab ->Behavior section ->Uncheck or disable the "Include dependencies" option. Click OK to save the changes.

    3. Now create your project using the New Project... button. When the package is created it should not include the dependent objects.

    Many Thanks
    Eddie Davis
    Senior Product Support Engineer
    Redgate Software Ltd
    Email: support@red-gate.com
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