
SQL Packager 6 command line

jpatches23jpatches23 Posts: 4
edited August 25, 2011 2:13PM in SQL Packager Previous Versions
Hi my company has recently acquired the SQLtool belt and I am trying to get the command line to work properly for the Packager. I am using version

If I use the User interface I am able to generate a exe successfully. However, when I run the command line version I always get the same error using the following configuration file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>








Used mapping option 'IgnoreSpaces'
Used mapping option 'IncludeTimestamps'
Used mapping option 'IncludeIdentities'
Used Sql Option 'DisableKeys'
Used Sql Option 'DontOutputComments'
SQL Data Compare running with Mapping Option: IgnoreSpaces (OK).
SQL Data Compare running with Mapping Option: IncludeTimestamps (OK).
SQL Data Compare running with Mapping Option: IncludeIdentities (OK).
SQL Data Compare running with SQL Option: DisableKeys (OK).
SQL Data Compare running with SQL Option: DontOutputComments (OK).
SQL Data Compare running with Mapping Option: MissingFrom2AsInclude (OK).
Comparing database SQLCOMPARE.DB with database SQLCOMPARE.DB
Registering databases
Comparing databases
Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


I am able to generate the exe from the UI and the API. Is there anything I can do to troubleshoot this issue on my end? Also, if I try to use the following with the working project file I still get the above error:

sqlpackager.exe /project:"DB-1.0.0-Latest.sqlpkg"

As a confirmation as this working, here is the output from the exe with the successful data additions:

Data SQL Summary
Drop constraints from [dbo].[tblModelConfigurationPage]
Drop constraints from [dbo].[tblDeviceConstants]
Delete 1 row from [dbo].[tblVersion]
Delete 2 rows from [dbo].[tblRoleDescription]
Delete 9 rows from [dbo].[tblModel]
Update 6 rows in [dbo].[tblModel]
Add 2840 rows to [dbo].[tblInternational]
Add 4 rows to [dbo].[tblModel]
Add 17 rows to [dbo].[tblRoleDefault]
Add 2 rows to [dbo].[tblRoleDescription]
Add 6823 rows to [dbo].[tblTestPositions]
Add 277 rows to [dbo].[tblTestPositionsld]
Add 650 rows to [dbo].[tblTestTrack]
Add 1 row to [dbo].[tblVersion]
Add 2 rows to [dbo].[tblDeviceConstants]
Add 2 rows to [dbo].[tblModelConfigurationPage]
Add constraints to [dbo].[tblModelConfigurationPage]
Add constraints to [dbo].[tblDeviceConstants]


  • Options
    I thought I'd just post here to follow up in case anyone else experienced this error.

    We followed up with jpatches23 and narrowed the problem down to a bug in the Data Compare engine. This has now been resolved with a patch for SQL Packager. If you need to obtain this to get around this error, please contact support.
    Systems Software Engineer

    Redgate Software

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