problem using SVR with encrypted backup file

kconnerkconner Posts: 6
edited December 6, 2010 6:41AM in SQL Virtual Restore 2
I need to ask for some help with this one ...

I recently upgraded to SQL Backup Pro v and purchased SQL Virtual Restore (I am now running v2.2). I am running these on SQL Server 2000 SP3.

I am currently testing the products before I deploy them to my production servers. I've so far been able to use Virtual Restore successfully on a native backup file and an unencrypted sqb. The feature set for v2.2 says that it will now work with encrypted backup files created with Backup Pro v6. I have so far been unable to get this to work. I believe that I have followed the instructions but I guess that I missed a step somewhere.

Here are the commands that I used to associate a password with the encrypted file I am working with:

exec sp_dropextendedproc 'xp_validate_sqb_backup'
exec dbo.sp_addextendedproc N'xp_validate_sqb_backup','C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Binn\xpHyperBac.dll';
exec master..xp_validate_sqb_backup @filename = 'f:\_scratch\scansystem\FULL_(local)_encrypted_20101201_125340.sqb', @password = 'xxxxxxxx';

All of the lines ran without error - on the final line, I received the message 'Password check completed successfully.'

When I attempt to open the encrypted backup using the SVR wizard I get the following message at the bottom of the wizard step 2 screen:

Could not read registry: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\Instance Names\SQL /MSSQLSERVER
REST: Is64BitMachine: False, Is64BitProcess: False, flag: 0

Sorry, was unable to paste an image into this.

I would appreciate any assistance that I could get with this. I don't know if it matters but the encrypted db was created using level 3 compression.

Thank you,


  • Hi Kerry,

    Sorry you are having issues with SQL Virtual Restore 2.2.0 - Can I ask which version of Windows you are running on and are you launching the Wizard from within one of the Microsoft tools like SSMS or from the start menu? If you are launching from within another tool could you try to launch it from the start menu (All Programs \ Red Gate \ HyperBac \ SQL Virtual Restore Wizard) and see if this gives you the same error?


    Jonathan Watts

    -Project Manager
    -Red Gate Software Ltd
  • Thanks for the response - the product is currently installed on a machine running Windows Server 2003 Standard SP2 (current with updates). I have been launching SVR from the Start menu for all of my testing. I do not have SSMS installed - I am still running Enterprise Manager.

    Let me know what other information you might need.

  • Eddie DEddie D Posts: 1,808 Rose Gold 5
    Thank you for your reply.

    To investigate this problem further, I need to create a Support Ticket for you. Can you please take a screen shot of the error and send to Also include your conatct details which will make logging the call easy for us to handle.

    Many Thanks
    Eddie Davis
    Senior Product Support Engineer
    Redgate Software Ltd
  • Eddie DEddie D Posts: 1,808 Rose Gold 5
    Hi Kerry

    Received your e-mail containing the requested information. Your call reference number is F0042052. I will contact you outside of this forum, whilst we continue to investigate the problem.

    For other users following this forum post. I will post an update, when I have further information on the cause and solution to the problem.

    If there are other users experiencing this issue, please contact the Red Gate Product Support Team.

    Many Thanks
    Eddie Davis
    Senior Product Support Engineer
    Redgate Software Ltd
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