The SQL Backup Agent service cannot start

redeyeredeye Posts: 13
edited December 16, 2009 7:40AM in SQL Backup Previous Versions
I have installed all my Red-Gate tools (from my toolbelt) onto a new machine running Windows 7 (64 bit, ultimate) ( :P ) and SQL 2008. The SQL server is installed on the same machine. When installing the server components for SQB, I get the error message: The SQL Backup Agent Service cannot start, or is taking too long to start up.

I have tried this on another machine, also a clean install of Windows 7 and SQL 2008 and have the same thing. The only difference is the second machine is running 32 bit.

I have tried setting the privileg of RGB as administrator, and have also tried using the "sa" credentials during install. No joy.

Any suggestions?



  • Hi Redeye,

    I'm sorry to hear that you're having difficulty. Can you please check the system event log to see what error message / error numbers are being reported by the service control manager when SQL Backup fails to start?

    Robin Anderson
    Red-Gate Software
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