Profiler won't start - ASPNET account issue
I downloaded ANTS 2 days ago.
I start Profiler and it stops IIS and then fails.
Unable to start profiler - exception details System.Exception: Unable to set profiling environment data for ASP.NET user - Failed to get user profile
Server stack trace:
at RedGate.Profiler.Engine.ProfileIISController._1(String , String , String )
at RedGate.Profiler.Engine.ProfileIISController._1(String , FrameworkVersion , IISVersion )
at RedGate.Profiler.Engine.ProfileIISController.StartProfilingIIS(String currentUserName, String& url, WebApplicationDefinition appDef)
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink._PrivateProcessMessage(IntPtr md, Object[] args, Object server, Int32 methodPtr, Boolean fExecuteInContext, Object[]& outArgs)
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink.PrivateProcessMessage(RuntimeMethodHandle md, Object[] args, Object server, Int32 methodPtr, Boolean fExecuteInContext, Object[]& outArgs)
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink.SyncProcessMessage(IMessage msg, Int32 methodPtr, Boolean fExecuteInContext)
Exception rethrown at [0]:
at RedGate.Profiler.Engine.ProfilingSession.StartProfiler()
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink._PrivateProcessMessage(IntPtr md, Object[] args, Object server, Int32 methodPtr, Boolean fExecuteInContext, Object[]& outArgs)
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink.PrivateProcessMessage(RuntimeMethodHandle md, Object[] args, Object server, Int32 methodPtr, Boolean fExecuteInContext, Object[]& outArgs)
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink.AsyncProcessMessage(IMessage msg, IMessageSink replySink)
Exception rethrown at [1]:
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.EndInvokeHelper(Message reqMsg, Boolean bProxyCase)
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RemotingProxy.Invoke(Object NotUsed, MessageData& msgData)
at System.Windows.Forms.MethodInvoker.EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result)
at _5._4(IAsyncResult )
For more information, see Help and Support Center at
Thanks, Paul
I downloaded ANTS 2 days ago.
I start Profiler and it stops IIS and then fails.
Unable to start profiler - exception details System.Exception: Unable to set profiling environment data for ASP.NET user - Failed to get user profile
Server stack trace:
at RedGate.Profiler.Engine.ProfileIISController._1(String , String , String )
at RedGate.Profiler.Engine.ProfileIISController._1(String , FrameworkVersion , IISVersion )
at RedGate.Profiler.Engine.ProfileIISController.StartProfilingIIS(String currentUserName, String& url, WebApplicationDefinition appDef)
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink._PrivateProcessMessage(IntPtr md, Object[] args, Object server, Int32 methodPtr, Boolean fExecuteInContext, Object[]& outArgs)
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink.PrivateProcessMessage(RuntimeMethodHandle md, Object[] args, Object server, Int32 methodPtr, Boolean fExecuteInContext, Object[]& outArgs)
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink.SyncProcessMessage(IMessage msg, Int32 methodPtr, Boolean fExecuteInContext)
Exception rethrown at [0]:
at RedGate.Profiler.Engine.ProfilingSession.StartProfiler()
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink._PrivateProcessMessage(IntPtr md, Object[] args, Object server, Int32 methodPtr, Boolean fExecuteInContext, Object[]& outArgs)
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink.PrivateProcessMessage(RuntimeMethodHandle md, Object[] args, Object server, Int32 methodPtr, Boolean fExecuteInContext, Object[]& outArgs)
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink.AsyncProcessMessage(IMessage msg, IMessageSink replySink)
Exception rethrown at [1]:
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.EndInvokeHelper(Message reqMsg, Boolean bProxyCase)
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RemotingProxy.Invoke(Object NotUsed, MessageData& msgData)
at System.Windows.Forms.MethodInvoker.EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result)
at _5._4(IAsyncResult )
For more information, see Help and Support Center at
Thanks, Paul
Should there be a Ants Profiler Service Showing in Services ?
I saw a post and i opend these TCP ports: 8084 and 8086
Running VS.Net 2005 Professional
Thanks, Paul
Sorry for the slow response - we had the "company day out" yesterday, so no-one was in the office.
Can I ask what version of Windows you're running this on? I'm guessing it's XP. If this is the case, you'll need to be running as an administrator in order to profile IIS.
It doesn't look like a firewall issue - the stack trace suggests it's happily talking to the profiling host application, which is where the TCP ports you suggest come in.
If you are already running as an administrator, I wonder if there's any other unusual security policies you're subject to?
Hope that helps,
Red Gate
Yes, I'm an administrator on the laptop.
I also logged in as the Administrator and I get the same error.
I see Ant's Profiler has a couple of FireWall Exception Tab Entries.
Not sure what you mean by unusual security policies.
Regards, Paul Chu
Could you try downloading ANTS Profiler 3.1, released earlier today? We changed the way we profile IIS slightly, which might be more successful for you.
By "unusual security policies", I was referring to any domain-wide security policies set by your company. For instance, some corporate networks are very "locked down" in terms of which rights individual accounts have.
As I say, give 3.1 a go - that might solve your problem, I hope.
Red Gate
I uninstalled Ant 3.0 and then installed 3.1.
But, no joy ... same problem ...
What's the next step to troubleshoot ?
Unfortunately, I don't have another machine to try.
Event Log
Unable to start profiler - exception details System.Exception: Unable to set profiling environment data for ASP.NET user - Failed to get user profile
Server stack trace:
at RedGate.Profiler.Engine.ProfileIISController._1(String , String , String )
at RedGate.Profiler.Engine.ProfileIISController._1(String , FrameworkVersion , IISVersion )
at RedGate.Profiler.Engine.ProfileIISController.StartProfilingIIS(String currentUserName, String& url, WebApplicationDefinition appDef)
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink._PrivateProcessMessage(IntPtr md, Object[] args, Object server, Int32 methodPtr, Boolean fExecuteInContext, Object[]& outArgs)
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink.PrivateProcessMessage(RuntimeMethodHandle md, Object[] args, Object server, Int32 methodPtr, Boolean fExecuteInContext, Object[]& outArgs)
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink.SyncProcessMessage(IMessage msg, Int32 methodPtr, Boolean fExecuteInContext)
Exception rethrown at [0]:
at RedGate.Profiler.Engine.ProfilingSession.StartProfiler()
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink._PrivateProcessMessage(IntPtr md, Object[] args, Object server, Int32 methodPtr, Boolean fExecuteInContext, Object[]& outArgs)
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink.PrivateProcessMessage(RuntimeMethodHandle md, Object[] args, Object server, Int32 methodPtr, Boolean fExecuteInContext, Object[]& outArgs)
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink.AsyncProcessMessage(IMessage msg, IMessageSink replySink)
Exception rethrown at [1]:
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.EndInvokeHelper(Message reqMsg, Boolean bProxyCase)
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RemotingProxy.Invoke(Object NotUsed, MessageData& msgData)
at System.Windows.Forms.MethodInvoker.EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result)
at _5._4(IAsyncResult )
For more information, see Help and Support Center at
Thanks, Paul
1) Check that the ANTS Profiler 3 Service is installed (in Control Panel -> Services). It should be set to start manually, and once you've tried to profile IIS once, should be started. If it's not, try starting it yourself then try profiling again.
2) Check the "ASP.NET username and password" on the profiler wizard - if you haven't changed the default installation of ASP.NET, this is probably "ASPNET", in which case the password box should read "Automatically detected". Try clicking the "detect automatically" button again if you're not sure.
Red Gate
Well, this is the 5th day trying to get this working.
I still am having the same problem as before.
Well, this time I finally see the Ants Profiler Service in Services and I start it fine.
Now, I notice that in VS.NET 2005 , the ANTS menu item is gone but the PINVOKE is there.
I had originally uninstalled ANTS Profiler 3.0 when I downloaded and installed the 3.1 version per your advice.
I clicked the Detect Auto... for the ASPNET user account.
Does anything require both Anonymous and Windows Authentication on the Website i'm testing. I only have Anonymous right now ?
This has been a frustrating struggle.
I hope we can get it resolved very soon.
Do you advise, to reinstall the Ants 3.0 , then Apply 3.1 on top of it ?
Regards, Paul
Event Log Item:
Unable to start profiler - exception details System.Exception: Unable to set profiling environment data for ASP.NET user - Failed to get user profile
Server stack trace:
at RedGate.Profiler.Engine.ProfileIISController._1(String , String , String )
at RedGate.Profiler.Engine.ProfileIISController._1(String , FrameworkVersion , IISVersion )
at RedGate.Profiler.Engine.ProfileIISController.StartProfilingIIS(String currentUserName, String& url, WebApplicationDefinition appDef)
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink._PrivateProcessMessage(IntPtr md, Object[] args, Object server, Int32 methodPtr, Boolean fExecuteInContext, Object[]& outArgs)
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink.PrivateProcessMessage(RuntimeMethodHandle md, Object[] args, Object server, Int32 methodPtr, Boolean fExecuteInContext, Object[]& outArgs)
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink.SyncProcessMessage(IMessage msg, Int32 methodPtr, Boolean fExecuteInContext)
Exception rethrown at [0]:
at RedGate.Profiler.Engine.ProfilingSession.StartProfiler()
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink._PrivateProcessMessage(IntPtr md, Object[] args, Object server, Int32 methodPtr, Boolean fExecuteInContext, Object[]& outArgs)
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink.PrivateProcessMessage(RuntimeMethodHandle md, Object[] args, Object server, Int32 methodPtr, Boolean fExecuteInContext, Object[]& outArgs)
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink.AsyncProcessMessage(IMessage msg, IMessageSink replySink)
Exception rethrown at [1]:
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.EndInvokeHelper(Message reqMsg, Boolean bProxyCase)
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RemotingProxy.Invoke(Object NotUsed, MessageData& msgData)
at System.Windows.Forms.MethodInvoker.EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result)
at _5._4(IAsyncResult )
For more information, see Help and Support Center at
Like the error message says, ANTS Profiler needs to modify the ASPNET user profile to operate properly. Something is preventing this. The most common causes are the lack of the 'log on as a batch job' user right, which is granted by default but can be taken away by an overzealous administrator in group or local machine security policy.
The other common cause is that the profile is corrupt. After attempting a profile, check the application event log for event ID 1000 from source USERENV. You may see something like this:
Event ID: 1000
Category: None
Source: userenv
Text: Windows cannot load the profile and is logging you on with a temporary profile. Changes you make to this profile will be lost when you log off.
Then you may need to go into the computer properties and delete the profile for ASPNET. Windows should recreate it at the next login.
If ASPNET is a domain account and not a local machine account, then maybe you can't access the Active Directory server and therefore can't resolve the account security ID. In that case it may be a simple case of logging in with a domain account and not a local computer account.
One of these normally works. If not, there is always the option of changing the machine.config in the .NET config folder to use MACHINE instead of SYSTEM accounts. This makes .NET use a high-privilige account and could potentially work around any rights issues, but I wouldn't recommend leaving it this way for security reasons!
Thanks for your reply on a Saturday !
Well, there is no Windows Domain or AD involved here.
My ASPNET account has the 'log on as a batch job' user right T
I did see a USERENV error the eventlog on my laptop but I didn't see a reference to ASPNET account.
I'm a little leary of deleting the ASPNET account on my laptop since I depend on this for all my work !
I ran aspnet_regiis /i to reinstall v1.1 of the Framework
Would that restore the ASPNET account replacing the original one ?
Well it didn't seem to fix the problem.
Are there any other issues with Deleting the ASPNET account that would jeapordize existing applications running on my laptop ?
Appreciate your help, Paul
You don't need to delete the account--just the profile. It's in the my computer->properties->advanced->user profiles button. Since ASPNET is used only for running ASP .NET, you're not going to lose anything like ASPNET's documents or browsing history. The profile will be recreated by Windows the next time ASPNET logs on to run a web application.
Ok, I deleted the ASPNET User Profile and the same problem still persists. :oops:
What next ?
Thanks, Paul
Unfortunately, I deleted those old Log entries.
But, I checked the current Event Log and found 3 of these entries with Event Source USERENV
Windows saved user PCE\Paul Chu registry while an application or service was still using the registry during log off. The memory used by the user's registry has not been freed. The registry will be unloaded when it is no longer in use.
This is often caused by services running as a user account, try configuring the services to run in either the LocalService or NetworkService account.
For more information, see Help and Support Center at
Should I check which Services are using this Admin Account PCE\Paul Chu
Thanks for your patience, Paul Chu
I think that your login credentials are used to modify the ASPNET user's profile. Maybe permissions are the problem? In order to figure out which registry key you need permissions to, we first need to resolve the ASPNET user account SID. Here is a VBScript that you can use (save the code to a file called aspnetsid.vbs and run cscript aspnetsid.vbs from a command prompt): Once you have the SID, you can look in HKEY_USERS\<SID>\Environment using regedit.exe. Right-click this key and see if your user account has write permissions to it.
Another thing to try is creating a directory named "logs" under your ANTS Profiler directory. Restart Profiler if it's currently running, then try to start profiling.
After you get the error, you should have a couple of files in the logs directory. If you could email these to, that'd be much appreciated. They might give us a better indication of where things are going wrong.
Red Gate
Setting environment for using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 x86 tools.
Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.6
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996-2001. All rights reserved.
SID : S-1-5-21-639506975-559059157-1288879434-1017
Sid Type : 1
Status : OK
Domain : PCE
Caption : PCE\ASPNET
Where PCE is the ComputerName
But the last 4 digits 1017 vs 1005 of the SIDs in the registry don't match exact
SID : S-1-5-21-639506975-559059157-1288879434-1017
SID in Registry: S-1-5-21-639506975-559059157-1288879434-1005
Is this the reason it can't find the ASPNET user.
Is it possible to rename the SID from 1005 to 1017 ???
this MSDN article discusses a utility: NewSID v4.10 ... ewSid.mspx
Thanks, Paul Chu
Recall that you requested that I delete the ASPNET User Profile and have ASP.NET recreate it.
Could the SID change be related to that change ?
Is this related to:
windows xp corrupt user profiles
If so, how do I repair this ?
Regards, Paul
Try accessing one of your web applications. If they are set to run under the security context of the ASPNET user in the .NET machine config, then Windows will automatically recreate the profile, so the ASPNET account SID should then appear as a registry key in HKEY_USERS. If it doesn't, then I wouldn't try manually creating a profile for the user as it probably won't work. If the profile is not created even after getting ASPNET logged in, the answer may lie in the log file created by the USERENV process:
Try accessing one of your web applications. If they are set to run under the security context of the ASPNET user in the .NET machine config, then Windows will automatically recreate the profile, so the ASPNET account SID should then appear as a registry key in HKEY_USERS.
>>>>> Well, I did this yesterday and the vbscript run showed a mismatch
on the SID ( see prior thread ).
If it doesn't, then I wouldn't try manually creating a profile for the user as it probably won't work.
>>>>> How to manually create the user profile ? for ASPNET account.
Sorry, I'm still confused and don't completely understand.
Thanks, Paul
Here is the USERENV log
unable to mount a hive ???
USERENV(23c.240) 12:50:12:734 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(23c.240) 12:50:12:734 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(23c.240) 12:50:12:734 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(23c.240) 12:50:12:734 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(23c.240) 12:50:12:734 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(23c.44c) 12:50:17:078 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(23c.92c) 12:50:41:625 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(23c.608) 14:31:17:078 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(23c.954) 14:40:41:687 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(23c.608) 16:29:17:125 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(23c.954) 16:30:41:687 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(23c.608) 18:12:17:140 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(23c.954) 18:20:41:703 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(23c.240) 19:00:58:828 MyRegUnLoadKey: Failed to unmount hive 00000005
USERENV(23c.240) 19:00:58:828 DumpOpenRegistryHandle: 2 user registry Handles leaked from \Registry\User\S-1-5-21-639506975-559059157-1288879434-1005
USERENV(23c.240) 19:00:58:828 UnloadUserProfileP: Didn't unload user profile <err = 5>
USERENV(23c.240) 19:01:06:578 UnloadUserProfile: UnloadUserProfileP failed with 0
USERENV(234.238) 21:39:37:562 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(234.238) 21:39:37:593 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(234.238) 21:39:37:593 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(234.238) 21:39:37:593 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(234.238) 21:39:37:593 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(234.47c) 21:39:41:750 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(234.be8) 21:40:32:515 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(234.6e8) 23:23:41:796 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(234.c0c) 23:28:32:515 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(234.238) 23:51:32:718 MyRegUnLoadKey: Failed to unmount hive 00000005
USERENV(234.238) 23:51:32:718 DumpOpenRegistryHandle: 2 user registry Handles leaked from \Registry\User\S-1-5-21-639506975-559059157-1288879434-1005
USERENV(234.238) 23:51:32:718 UnloadUserProfileP: Didn't unload user profile <err = 5>
USERENV(234.238) 23:51:41:843 UnloadUserProfile: UnloadUserProfileP failed with 0
USERENV(23c.240) 07:27:30:546 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(23c.240) 07:27:30:562 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(23c.240) 07:27:30:562 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(23c.240) 07:27:30:562 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(23c.240) 07:27:30:562 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(23c.480) 07:27:34:625 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(23c.e10) 07:28:34:968 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(23c.240) 08:51:29:812 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(23c.240) 08:51:29:843 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(23c.240) 08:51:29:843 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(23c.240) 08:51:29:843 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(23c.240) 08:51:29:843 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(23c.53c) 08:51:32:546 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(23c.c4c) 08:52:42:781 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(23c.624) 10:21:32:828 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(23c.c5c) 10:45:42:781 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(23c.624) 12:08:32:875 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(23c.c5c) 12:38:42:781 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(23c.624) 13:41:32:890 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(23c.c5c) 14:31:42:781 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(23c.624) 15:31:32:937 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(334.338) 16:54:47:828 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(334.338) 16:54:47:859 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(334.338) 16:54:47:859 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(334.338) 16:54:47:859 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(334.338) 16:54:47:859 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(334.510) 16:54:52:609 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(334.b94) 16:56:18:968 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(334.7ec) 18:32:52:671 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV( 18:53:19:312 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(334.7ec) 20:08:52:953 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV( 20:36:19:390 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(334.338) 21:25:28:890 MyRegUnLoadKey: Failed to unmount hive 00000005
USERENV(334.338) 21:25:28:890 DumpOpenRegistryHandle: 2 user registry Handles leaked from \Registry\User\S-1-5-21-639506975-559059157-1288879434-1005
USERENV(334.338) 21:25:28:890 UnloadUserProfileP: Didn't unload user profile <err = 5>
USERENV(334.338) 21:25:39:421 UnloadUserProfile: UnloadUserProfileP failed with 0
USERENV(334.338) 11:22:12:781 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(334.338) 11:22:12:796 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(334.338) 11:22:12:796 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(334.338) 11:22:12:796 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(334.338) 11:22:12:796 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(334.690) 11:22:15:203 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(334.a7c) 11:22:47:796 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(334.a9c) 13:17:47:828 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(334.76c) 13:21:15:656 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(334.76c) 14:51:15:703 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(334.a9c) 14:58:47:828 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(334.76c) 16:22:15:718 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(334.a9c) 16:39:47:843 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(334.76c) 18:09:15:734 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(334.338) 18:26:15:671 MyRegUnLoadKey: Failed to unmount hive 00000005
USERENV(334.338) 18:26:15:671 DumpOpenRegistryHandle: 2 user registry Handles leaked from \Registry\User\S-1-5-21-639506975-559059157-1288879434-1005
USERENV(334.338) 18:26:15:671 UnloadUserProfileP: Didn't unload user profile <err = 5>
USERENV(334.338) 18:26:24:718 UnloadUserProfile: UnloadUserProfileP failed with 0
USERENV(328.32c) 21:27:10:781 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 21:27:10:796 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 21:27:10:796 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 21:27:10:796 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 21:27:10:796 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.5c8) 21:27:15:562 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.714) 21:27:54:546 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.294) 23:10:16:390 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.760) 23:12:54:593 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.334) 09:55:23:968 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.334) 09:55:23:984 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.334) 09:55:23:984 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.334) 09:55:23:984 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.334) 09:55:23:984 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.558) 09:55:28:687 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.b04) 09:56:09:406 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.1d0) 11:27:29:687 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.b20) 11:41:09:421 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.1d0) 12:58:29:718 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.b20) 13:11:09:437 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.b20) 14:41:09:437 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.1d0) 14:45:29:750 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.b20) 16:11:09:437 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.1d0) 16:18:29:765 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.1d0) 17:52:29:781 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.b20) 17:57:09:468 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.1d0) 19:27:29:812 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.b20) 19:28:09:468 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.334) 19:44:12:218 MyRegUnLoadKey: Failed to unmount hive 00000005
USERENV(330.334) 19:44:12:218 DumpOpenRegistryHandle: 2 user registry Handles leaked from \Registry\User\S-1-5-21-639506975-559059157-1288879434-1005
USERENV(330.334) 19:44:12:218 UnloadUserProfileP: Didn't unload user profile <err = 5>
USERENV(330.334) 19:44:20:671 UnloadUserProfile: UnloadUserProfileP failed with 0
USERENV(32c.330) 21:32:03:390 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(32c.330) 21:32:03:406 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(32c.330) 21:32:03:406 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(32c.330) 21:32:03:406 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(32c.330) 21:32:03:406 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(32c.5d8) 21:32:05:937 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(32c.fa4) 21:34:54:703 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(32c.77c) 23:02:05:937 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(32c.fc8) 23:19:54:718 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(32c.77c) 00:48:05:984 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.32c) 09:59:59:296 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 09:59:59:312 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 09:59:59:312 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 09:59:59:312 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 09:59:59:312 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.5d4) 10:00:03:781 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.c98) 10:00:28:203 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.32c) 11:22:27:578 MyRegUnLoadKey: Failed to unmount hive 00000005
USERENV(328.32c) 11:22:27:578 DumpOpenRegistryHandle: 2 user registry Handles leaked from \Registry\User\S-1-5-21-639506975-559059157-1288879434-1005
USERENV(328.32c) 11:22:27:578 UnloadUserProfileP: Didn't unload user profile <err = 5>
USERENV(328.32c) 11:22:36:156 CEvents::Report: ReportEvent failed. Error = 1502
USERENV(328.32c) 11:22:36:796 UnloadUserProfile: UnloadUserProfileP failed with 0
USERENV(330.334) 15:46:14:781 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.334) 15:46:14:796 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.334) 15:46:14:796 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.334) 15:46:14:796 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.334) 15:46:14:796 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.558) 15:46:19:359 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.b28) 15:47:02:781 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.790) 17:18:19:359 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.b38) 17:31:02:781 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.b38) 19:01:02:796 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.790) 19:08:19:437 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.334) 20:12:25:328 MyRegUnLoadKey: Failed to unmount hive 00000005
USERENV(330.334) 20:12:25:328 DumpOpenRegistryHandle: 2 user registry Handles leaked from \Registry\User\S-1-5-21-639506975-559059157-1288879434-1005
USERENV(330.334) 20:12:25:328 UnloadUserProfileP: Didn't unload user profile <err = 5>
USERENV(330.334) 20:12:33:296 UnloadUserProfile: UnloadUserProfileP failed with 0
USERENV(324.328) 21:26:19:625 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(324.328) 21:26:19:640 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(324.328) 21:26:19:640 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(324.328) 21:26:19:640 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(324.328) 21:26:19:640 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(324.5bc) 21:26:24:109 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(324.bac) 21:26:48:765 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(324.bc8) 23:17:49:171 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(324.110) 23:18:24:109 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(324.328) 00:21:00:453 MyRegUnLoadKey: Failed to unmount hive 00000005
USERENV(324.328) 00:21:00:453 DumpOpenRegistryHandle: 2 user registry Handles leaked from \Registry\User\S-1-5-21-639506975-559059157-1288879434-1005
USERENV(324.328) 00:21:00:453 UnloadUserProfileP: Didn't unload user profile <err = 5>
USERENV(324.328) 00:21:08:500 UnloadUserProfile: UnloadUserProfileP failed with 0
USERENV(328.32c) 09:48:06:625 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 09:48:06:640 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 09:48:06:640 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 09:48:06:640 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 09:48:06:640 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.5cc) 09:48:11:265 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.178) 09:48:39:453 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.220) 11:24:39:765 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.164) 11:36:11:265 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.220) 12:58:39:781 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.164) 13:11:11:312 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(32c.330) 14:44:28:140 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(32c.330) 14:44:28:156 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(32c.330) 14:44:28:156 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(32c.330) 14:44:28:156 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(32c.330) 14:44:28:156 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(32c.554) 14:44:33:140 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(32c.8d0) 14:44:37:718 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(32c.160) 16:24:33:973 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(32c.8f8) 16:33:37:926 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(32c.8f8) 18:08:37:941 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(32c.160) 18:21:34:004 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(32c.330) 19:15:22:723 MyRegUnLoadKey: Failed to unmount hive 00000005
USERENV(32c.330) 19:15:22:723 DumpOpenRegistryHandle: 2 user registry Handles leaked from \Registry\User\S-1-5-21-639506975-559059157-1288879434-1005
USERENV(32c.330) 19:15:22:738 UnloadUserProfileP: Didn't unload user profile <err = 5>
USERENV(32c.330) 19:15:30:613 UnloadUserProfile: UnloadUserProfileP failed with 0
USERENV(328.32c) 21:01:30:953 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 21:01:30:984 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 21:01:30:984 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 21:01:30:984 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 21:01:30:984 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.5cc) 21:01:35:531 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.ae0) 21:02:04:062 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.b08) 22:33:04:093 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.17c) 22:45:35:531 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.b08) 00:19:04:093 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.17c) 00:31:35:593 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.32c) 00:43:05:968 MyRegUnLoadKey: Failed to unmount hive 00000005
USERENV(328.32c) 00:43:05:968 DumpOpenRegistryHandle: 2 user registry Handles leaked from \Registry\User\S-1-5-21-639506975-559059157-1288879434-1005
USERENV(328.32c) 00:43:05:968 UnloadUserProfileP: Didn't unload user profile <err = 5>
USERENV(328.32c) 00:43:12:421 UnloadUserProfile: UnloadUserProfileP failed with 0
USERENV(328.32c) 09:38:44:687 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 09:38:44:718 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 09:38:44:718 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 09:38:44:718 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 09:38:44:718 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.5cc) 09:38:49:015 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.b34) 09:39:13:562 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.154) 11:16:49:343 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.b50) 11:24:13:562 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.32c) 11:52:30:906 MyRegUnLoadKey: Failed to unmount hive 00000005
USERENV(328.32c) 11:52:30:906 DumpOpenRegistryHandle: 2 user registry Handles leaked from \Registry\User\S-1-5-21-639506975-559059157-1288879434-1005
USERENV(328.32c) 11:52:30:906 UnloadUserProfileP: Didn't unload user profile <err = 5>
USERENV(328.32c) 11:52:40:937 UnloadUserProfile: UnloadUserProfileP failed with 0
USERENV(330.334) 15:10:29:578 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.334) 15:10:29:593 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.334) 15:10:29:593 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.334) 15:10:29:593 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.334) 15:10:29:593 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.504) 15:10:34:468 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.ba0) 15:11:27:406 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.f0) 16:45:34:562 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.bc4) 16:46:27:406 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.bc4) 18:21:27:406 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.f0) 18:37:34:593 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.32c) 21:30:24:359 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 21:30:24:359 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 21:30:24:359 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 21:30:24:359 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 21:30:24:359 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.760) 21:30:27:187 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.da0) 21:31:28:687 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.dc) 23:06:27:531 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.dc0) 23:21:28:703 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.dc) 00:56:27:562 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.dc0) 00:57:28:703 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.32c) 01:06:45:468 MyRegUnLoadKey: Failed to unmount hive 00000005
USERENV(328.32c) 01:06:45:468 DumpOpenRegistryHandle: 2 user registry Handles leaked from \Registry\User\S-1-5-21-639506975-559059157-1288879434-1005
USERENV(328.32c) 01:06:45:468 UnloadUserProfileP: Didn't unload user profile <err = 5>
USERENV(328.32c) 01:06:53:250 UnloadUserProfile: UnloadUserProfileP failed with 0
USERENV(328.32c) 08:35:20:484 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 08:35:20:515 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 08:35:20:515 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 08:35:20:515 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 08:35:20:515 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.724) 08:35:23:375 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.a4c) 08:35:50:453 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.a74) 10:06:50:484 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.7d8) 10:33:23:640 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.32c) 10:41:37:265 MyRegUnLoadKey: Failed to unmount hive 00000005
USERENV(328.32c) 10:41:37:265 DumpOpenRegistryHandle: 2 user registry Handles leaked from \Registry\User\S-1-5-21-639506975-559059157-1288879434-1005
USERENV(328.32c) 10:41:37:265 UnloadUserProfileP: Didn't unload user profile <err = 5>
USERENV(328.32c) 10:41:45:843 UnloadUserProfile: UnloadUserProfileP failed with 0
USERENV(328.32c) 11:36:49:359 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 11:36:49:375 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 11:36:49:375 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 11:36:49:375 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 11:36:49:375 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.5c8) 11:36:54:328 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.5d4) 11:37:44:812 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.334) 17:30:44:484 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.334) 17:30:44:500 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.334) 17:30:44:500 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.334) 17:30:44:500 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.334) 17:30:44:500 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.668) 17:30:47:046 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.654) 17:33:18:125 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.74c) 19:12:47:375 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.8bc) 19:31:18:140 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.334) 21:04:50:328 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.334) 21:04:50:343 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.334) 21:04:50:343 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.334) 21:04:50:343 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.334) 21:04:50:343 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.550) 21:04:54:609 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.9b8) 21:10:32:718 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.9fc) 22:51:32:734 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.8c) 22:53:54:656 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.8c) 00:30:54:859 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.9fc) 00:48:33:093 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.470) 01:09:10:500 IProfileSecurityCallBack: RpcBindingInqAuthClient failed with 534
USERENV(35c.12cc) 01:09:10:515 UnLoadUserProfile: Calling DropClientToken took exception. error 5
USERENV(35c.12cc) 01:09:10:515 UnLoadUserProfile: Calling DropClientContext failed. err = 5
USERENV(330.334) 07:23:32:359 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.334) 07:23:32:390 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.334) 07:23:32:390 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.334) 07:23:32:390 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.334) 07:23:32:390 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.558) 07:23:36:703 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.f00) 07:25:36:984 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(334.338) 08:58:39:375 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(334.338) 08:58:39:375 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(334.338) 08:58:39:375 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(334.338) 08:58:39:375 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(334.338) 08:58:39:375 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(334.558) 08:58:44:359 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(334.dd0) 09:00:01:968 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(334.338) 10:11:50:468 MyRegUnLoadKey: Failed to unmount hive 00000005
USERENV(334.338) 10:11:50:468 DumpOpenRegistryHandle: 2 user registry Handles leaked from \Registry\User\S-1-5-21-639506975-559059157-1288879434-1005
USERENV(334.338) 10:11:50:468 UnloadUserProfileP: Didn't unload user profile <err = 5>
USERENV(334.338) 10:11:58:328 UnloadUserProfile: UnloadUserProfileP failed with 0
USERENV(330.334) 10:33:11:515 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.334) 10:33:11:546 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.334) 10:33:11:546 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.334) 10:33:11:546 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.334) 10:33:11:546 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.558) 10:33:16:265 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.d18) 10:34:02:671 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.334) 11:34:55:578 MyRegUnLoadKey: Failed to unmount hive 00000005
USERENV(330.334) 11:34:55:593 DumpOpenRegistryHandle: 2 user registry Handles leaked from \Registry\User\S-1-5-21-639506975-559059157-1288879434-1005
USERENV(330.334) 11:34:55:593 UnloadUserProfileP: Didn't unload user profile <err = 5>
USERENV(330.334) 11:35:03:421 UnloadUserProfile: UnloadUserProfileP failed with 0
USERENV(32c.330) 12:45:34:718 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(32c.330) 12:45:34:718 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(32c.330) 12:45:34:718 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(32c.330) 12:45:34:718 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(32c.330) 12:45:34:718 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(32c.554) 12:45:39:734 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(32c.c38) 12:46:17:890 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(32c.330) 12:53:09:234 MyRegUnLoadKey: Failed to unmount hive 00000005
USERENV(32c.330) 12:53:09:234 DumpOpenRegistryHandle: 2 user registry Handles leaked from \Registry\User\S-1-5-21-639506975-559059157-1288879434-1005
USERENV(32c.330) 12:53:09:234 UnloadUserProfileP: Didn't unload user profile <err = 5>
USERENV(32c.330) 12:53:17:125 CEvents::Report: ReportEvent failed. Error = 1502
USERENV(32c.330) 12:53:17:171 UnloadUserProfile: UnloadUserProfileP failed with 0
USERENV(32c.330) 13:04:44:640 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(32c.330) 13:04:44:656 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(32c.330) 13:04:44:656 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(32c.330) 13:04:44:656 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(32c.330) 13:04:44:656 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(32c.5e0) 13:04:47:000 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(32c.ad4) 13:05:15:656 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(32c.af0) 14:51:15:703 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(32c.764) 14:56:47:343 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(32c.af0) 16:22:15:703 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(32c.764) 16:47:47:703 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(32c.330) 17:21:02:531 MyRegUnLoadKey: Failed to unmount hive 00000005
USERENV(32c.330) 17:21:02:531 DumpOpenRegistryHandle: 2 user registry Handles leaked from \Registry\User\S-1-5-21-639506975-559059157-1288879434-1005
USERENV(32c.330) 17:21:02:531 UnloadUserProfileP: Didn't unload user profile <err = 5>
USERENV(32c.330) 17:21:10:265 UnloadUserProfile: UnloadUserProfileP failed with 0
USERENV(330.334) 20:19:09:140 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.334) 20:19:09:171 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.334) 20:19:09:171 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.334) 20:19:09:171 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.334) 20:19:09:171 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.558) 20:19:14:062 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.c6c) 20:19:55:781 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.1e0) 21:49:14:812 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.c90) 22:13:55:812 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.1e0) 23:48:16:281 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.c90) 23:54:55:937 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.334) 00:49:29:359 MyRegUnLoadKey: Failed to unmount hive 00000005
USERENV(330.334) 00:49:29:359 DumpOpenRegistryHandle: 2 user registry Handles leaked from \Registry\User\S-1-5-21-639506975-559059157-1288879434-1005
USERENV(330.334) 00:49:29:359 UnloadUserProfileP: Didn't unload user profile <err = 5>
USERENV(330.334) 00:49:37:546 UnloadUserProfile: UnloadUserProfileP failed with 0
USERENV(32c.330) 10:34:58:812 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(32c.330) 10:34:58:828 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(32c.330) 10:34:58:828 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(32c.330) 10:34:58:828 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(32c.330) 10:34:58:828 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(32c.558) 10:35:04:078 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(32c.e54) 10:36:43:437 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(32c.330) 11:52:08:187 MyRegUnLoadKey: Failed to unmount hive 00000005
USERENV(32c.330) 11:52:08:187 DumpOpenRegistryHandle: 2 user registry Handles leaked from \Registry\User\S-1-5-21-639506975-559059157-1288879434-1005
USERENV(32c.330) 11:52:08:187 UnloadUserProfileP: Didn't unload user profile <err = 5>
USERENV(32c.330) 11:52:16:328 UnloadUserProfile: UnloadUserProfileP failed with 0
USERENV(32c.330) 12:51:20:312 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(32c.330) 12:51:20:343 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(32c.330) 12:51:20:343 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(32c.330) 12:51:20:343 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(32c.330) 12:51:20:343 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(32c.558) 12:51:25:062 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(32c.c44) 12:52:04:156 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(32c.c64) 14:37:04:187 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(32c.7d4) 14:46:25:062 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(32c.330) 15:34:45:296 MyRegUnLoadKey: Failed to unmount hive 00000005
USERENV(32c.330) 15:34:45:296 DumpOpenRegistryHandle: 2 user registry Handles leaked from \Registry\User\S-1-5-21-639506975-559059157-1288879434-1005
USERENV(32c.330) 15:34:45:296 UnloadUserProfileP: Didn't unload user profile <err = 5>
USERENV(32c.330) 15:34:52:093 UnloadUserProfile: UnloadUserProfileP failed with 0
USERENV(32c.330) 16:34:48:312 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(32c.330) 16:34:48:328 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(32c.330) 16:34:48:328 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(32c.330) 16:34:48:328 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(32c.330) 16:34:48:328 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(32c.554) 16:34:52:625 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(32c.9e4) 16:39:44:687 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(32c.120) 18:32:52:875 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(32c.a00) 18:35:44:750 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(324.328) 21:56:30:296 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(324.328) 21:56:30:312 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(324.328) 21:56:30:312 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(324.328) 21:56:30:312 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(324.328) 21:56:30:312 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(324.64c) 21:56:34:484 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(324.fd8) 22:00:05:921 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(324.174) 23:37:35:109 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(324.ff4) 23:50:06:328 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.32c) 09:53:10:468 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 09:53:10:468 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 09:53:10:468 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 09:53:10:468 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 09:53:10:468 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.5c8) 09:53:15:078 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.b34) 09:55:12:640 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.1a4) 11:24:15:093 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.680) 11:48:12:640 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(32c.330) 15:07:59:609 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(32c.330) 15:07:59:625 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(32c.330) 15:07:59:625 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(32c.330) 15:07:59:625 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(32c.330) 15:07:59:625 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(32c.554) 15:08:03:640 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(32c.678) 15:10:24:093 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(32c.804) 16:46:24:109 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(32c.b0) 16:51:03:640 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(32c.b0) 18:37:03:703 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(32c.804) 18:38:24:109 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(32c.b0) 20:08:03:718 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(32c.804) 20:30:24:109 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(32c.b0) 21:55:03:734 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(32c.804) 22:22:24:125 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.32c) 23:11:55:421 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 23:11:55:437 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 23:11:55:437 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 23:11:55:437 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 23:11:55:437 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.758) 23:11:57:937 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.a90) 23:12:24:000 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.32c) 00:35:29:453 MyRegUnLoadKey: Failed to unmount hive 00000005
USERENV(328.32c) 00:35:29:453 DumpOpenRegistryHandle: 2 user registry Handles leaked from \Registry\User\S-1-5-21-639506975-559059157-1288879434-1005
USERENV(328.32c) 00:35:29:453 UnloadUserProfileP: Didn't unload user profile <err = 5>
USERENV(328.32c) 00:35:36:843 UnloadUserProfile: UnloadUserProfileP failed with 0
USERENV(328.32c) 09:09:18:500 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 09:09:18:515 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 09:09:18:515 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 09:09:18:515 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 09:09:18:531 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.5c8) 09:09:22:718 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.ecc) 09:09:54:781 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.120) 10:40:22:734 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.ee8) 11:03:54:828 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.120) 12:28:22:765 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.334) 14:12:41:515 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.334) 14:12:41:546 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.334) 14:12:41:546 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.334) 14:12:41:546 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.334) 14:12:41:546 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.558) 14:12:45:625 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.b08) 14:13:18:234 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.b24) 15:56:18:250 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.bc) 16:10:45:625 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.334) 17:13:31:265 MyRegUnLoadKey: Failed to unmount hive 00000005
USERENV(330.334) 17:13:31:265 DumpOpenRegistryHandle: 2 user registry Handles leaked from \Registry\User\S-1-5-21-639506975-559059157-1288879434-1005
USERENV(330.334) 17:13:31:265 UnloadUserProfileP: Didn't unload user profile <err = 5>
USERENV(330.334) 17:13:38:578 UnloadUserProfile: UnloadUserProfileP failed with 0
USERENV(328.32c) 17:14:42:812 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 17:14:42:843 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 17:14:42:843 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 17:14:42:843 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 17:14:42:843 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.768) 17:15:39:446 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.32c) 17:24:14:703 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 17:24:14:703 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 17:24:14:703 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 17:24:14:703 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 17:24:14:703 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.5c0) 17:25:02:187 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(324.328) 17:26:09:250 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(324.328) 17:26:09:265 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(324.328) 17:26:09:265 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(324.328) 17:26:09:265 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(324.328) 17:26:09:265 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(324.5bc) 17:27:22:187 ProcessGPOs: GetNetworkName failed with 10091.
USERENV(324.5bc) 17:27:23:046 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(324.200) 17:27:48:316 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(324.328) 17:28:00:846 MyRegUnLoadKey: Failed to unmount hive 00000005
USERENV(324.328) 17:28:00:846 DumpOpenRegistryHandle: 2 user registry Handles leaked from \Registry\User\S-1-5-21-639506975-559059157-1288879434-1005
USERENV(324.328) 17:28:00:846 UnloadUserProfileP: Didn't unload user profile <err = 5>
USERENV(324.328) 17:28:09:168 UnloadUserProfile: UnloadUserProfileP failed with 0
USERENV(32c.330) 17:31:18:937 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(32c.330) 17:31:18:968 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(32c.330) 17:31:18:968 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(32c.330) 17:31:18:968 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(32c.330) 17:31:18:968 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(32c.690) 17:32:44:603 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(32c.26c) 17:32:44:776 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.32c) 17:35:15:343 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 17:35:15:343 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 17:35:15:343 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 17:35:15:343 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 17:35:15:343 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.5b8) 17:36:18:143 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.32c) 17:38:08:546 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 17:38:08:578 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 17:38:08:578 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 17:38:08:578 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 17:38:08:578 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.5c8) 17:39:17:781 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.21c) 17:39:18:000 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.32c) 17:41:40:906 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 17:41:40:921 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 17:41:40:921 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 17:41:40:921 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 17:41:40:921 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.5c4) 17:41:52:406 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.978) 17:42:43:500 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.32c) 18:37:13:796 MyRegUnLoadKey: Failed to unmount hive 00000005
USERENV(328.32c) 18:37:13:796 DumpOpenRegistryHandle: 2 user registry Handles leaked from \Registry\User\S-1-5-21-639506975-559059157-1288879434-1005
USERENV(328.32c) 18:37:13:796 UnloadUserProfileP: Didn't unload user profile <err = 5>
USERENV(328.32c) 18:37:20:531 UnloadUserProfile: UnloadUserProfileP failed with 0
USERENV(330.334) 19:57:08:203 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.334) 19:57:08:218 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.334) 19:57:08:234 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.334) 19:57:08:234 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.334) 19:57:08:234 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.5d8) 19:57:10:421 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.9b8) 19:57:35:968 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.9d8) 21:34:36:062 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.7b8) 21:39:11:375 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.9d8) 23:15:38:377 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.7b8) 23:26:13:767 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.334) 23:46:39:032 MyRegUnLoadKey: Failed to unmount hive 00000005
USERENV(330.334) 23:46:39:032 DumpOpenRegistryHandle: 2 user registry Handles leaked from \Registry\User\S-1-5-21-639506975-559059157-1288879434-1005
USERENV(330.334) 23:46:39:032 UnloadUserProfileP: Didn't unload user profile <err = 5>
USERENV(330.334) 23:46:47:110 UnloadUserProfile: UnloadUserProfileP failed with 0
USERENV(328.32c) 11:30:27:500 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 11:30:27:515 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 11:30:27:515 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 11:30:27:515 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 11:30:27:515 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.680) 11:30:29:750 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.fb4) 11:30:58:593 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.fc4) 13:02:58:609 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.154) 13:22:29:859 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.334) 14:21:02:609 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.334) 14:21:02:640 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.334) 14:21:02:640 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.334) 14:21:02:640 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.334) 14:21:02:640 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.54c) 14:21:05:625 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.548) 14:26:20:843 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.7d0) 15:59:05:640 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.568) 16:12:20:843 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.7d0) 17:54:05:671 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.568) 17:58:20:843 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.32c) 21:07:56:406 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 21:07:56:406 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 21:07:56:406 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 21:07:56:406 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 21:07:56:406 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.5bc) 21:07:59:437 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.c40) 21:08:24:093 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.190) 22:37:59:437 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.c50) 23:07:24:156 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.190) 00:08:59:859 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.32c) 00:33:27:781 MyRegUnLoadKey: Failed to unmount hive 00000005
USERENV(328.32c) 00:33:27:781 DumpOpenRegistryHandle: 2 user registry Handles leaked from \Registry\User\S-1-5-21-639506975-559059157-1288879434-1005
USERENV(328.32c) 00:33:27:781 UnloadUserProfileP: Didn't unload user profile <err = 5>
USERENV(328.32c) 00:33:38:203 UnloadUserProfile: UnloadUserProfileP failed with 0
USERENV(328.32c) 10:33:33:953 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 10:33:33:968 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 10:33:33:968 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 10:33:33:968 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 10:33:33:968 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.6c8) 10:33:36:265 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.e50) 10:34:28:375 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.5ec) 10:42:18:937 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.520) 10:46:35:140 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.160) 12:04:36:359 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.b98) 12:29:35:156 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.32c) 12:50:59:296 MyRegUnLoadKey: Failed to unmount hive 00000005
USERENV(328.32c) 12:50:59:296 UnLoadClassHive: failed to unload classes key with 5
USERENV(328.32c) 12:50:59:296 DumpOpenRegistryHandle: 2 user registry Handles leaked from \Registry\User\S-1-5-21-639506975-559059157-1288879434-1005_Classes
USERENV(328.32c) 12:50:59:296 ReportError: Impersonating user.
USERENV(330.334) 16:47:38:296 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.334) 16:47:38:312 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.334) 16:47:38:312 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.54c) 16:47:41:687 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.e4c) 16:49:05:734 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(32c.330) 18:16:53:640 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(32c.330) 18:16:53:656 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(32c.330) 18:16:53:656 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(32c.330) 18:16:53:656 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(32c.554) 18:16:56:921 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(32c.9b4) 18:17:00:875 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(32c.a8) 20:11:56:968 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(32c.a68) 20:15:01:140 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(324.328) 21:44:26:312 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(324.328) 21:44:26:312 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(324.328) 21:44:26:312 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(324.328) 21:44:26:312 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(324.5c4) 21:44:29:640 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(324.fa0) 21:47:34:281 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(324.fc0) 23:21:34:609 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(324.1c8) 23:27:29:640 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.32c) 09:16:26:437 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 09:16:26:453 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 09:16:26:453 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 09:16:26:453 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.5c4) 09:16:29:562 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.9e4) 09:16:34:390 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.9f8) 10:57:34:625 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.190) 11:14:29:765 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.32c) 11:39:29:609 MyRegUnLoadKey: Failed to unmount hive 00000005
USERENV(328.32c) 11:39:29:609 DumpOpenRegistryHandle: 2 user registry Handles leaked from \Registry\User\S-1-5-21-639506975-559059157-1288879434-1005
USERENV(328.32c) 11:39:29:609 UnloadUserProfileP: Didn't unload user profile <err = 5>
USERENV(328.32c) 11:39:40:046 UnloadUserProfile: UnloadUserProfileP failed with 0
USERENV(330.334) 13:14:17:312 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.334) 13:14:17:343 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.334) 13:14:17:343 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.334) 13:14:17:343 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(330.4f8) 13:14:19:906 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.a34) 13:14:44:703 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.7e0) 15:09:20:031 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.a44) 15:10:44:828 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.7e0) 16:50:20:078 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.a44) 16:51:44:828 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.dbc) 17:10:13:125 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.1420) 17:11:33:890 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(330.ef0) 17:15:02:359 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(334.338) 17:21:33:671 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(334.338) 17:21:33:703 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(334.338) 17:21:33:703 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(334.338) 17:21:33:703 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(334.550) 17:21:36:734 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(334.f14) 17:24:07:968 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(360.210) 17:27:10:265 UnloadUserProfile: received a NULL hProfile.
USERENV(334.7f4) 18:51:36:875 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(334.f34) 18:55:08:000 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.32c) 21:48:11:500 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 21:48:11:515 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 21:48:11:515 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.5bc) 21:48:14:656 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.b00) 21:48:18:703 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.1a8) 23:27:14:671 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(328.b24) 23:42:18:796 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(32c.330) 09:04:34:625 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(32c.330) 09:04:34:640 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(32c.330) 09:04:34:640 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(32c.5c0) 09:04:37:921 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(32c.ab8) 09:05:02:390 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(334.338) 13:05:17:750 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(334.338) 13:05:17:765 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(334.338) 13:05:17:765 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(334.550) 13:05:20:921 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(334.9c4) 13:05:46:625 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(334.7e0) 14:40:20:937 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(334.9e8) 14:48:46:656 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(334.7e0) 16:31:20:968 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(334.338) 19:13:18:687 MyRegUnLoadKey: Failed to unmount hive 00000005
USERENV(334.338) 19:13:18:687 DumpOpenRegistryHandle: 2 user registry Handles leaked from \Registry\User\S-1-5-21-639506975-559059157-1288879434-1005
USERENV(334.338) 19:13:18:687 UnloadUserProfileP: Didn't unload user profile <err = 5>
USERENV(334.338) 19:13:26:906 UnloadUserProfile: UnloadUserProfileP failed with 0
USERENV(328.32c) 20:45:36:015 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 20:45:36:015 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(328.32c) 20:45:36:015 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(b68.2ec) 20:53:02:890 DeleteProfileEx: Failed to query profile guid with error 2
USERENV(b68.2ec) 20:53:03:484 DeleteProfile: Failed to delete the appmgmt dir C:\WINDOWS\system32\appmgmt\S-1-5-21-639506975-559059157-1288879434-1017, error 2
USERENV(b68.2ec) 20:53:03:562 DeleteProfile: Failed to delete rsop data
USERENV(328.f54) 20:53:23:828 SetFolderPath : ShSetFolderPath failed, hr = 80070002
USERENV(328.f54) 20:53:24:109 ProcessPrograms: Failed to execute <C:\WINDOWS\system32\shmgrate.exe Fix-Folders>, error = 1349
USERENV(328.f54) 20:53:24:250 ProcessPrograms: Failed to execute <grpconv -p>, error = 1349
USERENV(328.f54) 20:53:24:250 ProcessFiles: Failed to deleted <C:\Documents and Settings\PCE\ASPNET\Start Menu\Programs\main\Introducing Windows NT.lnk> with 3
USERENV(328.f54) 20:53:24:250 ProcessFiles: Failed to deleted <C:\Documents and Settings\PCE\ASPNET\Start Menu\Programs\main\Introducing Windows NT.pif> with 3
USERENV(328.f54) 20:53:24:250 ProcessFiles: Failed to deleted <C:\Documents and Settings\PCE\ASPNET\Start Menu\Programs\main\PIF Editor.lnk> with 3
USERENV(328.f54) 20:53:24:250 ProcessFiles: Failed to deleted <C
Is my UserProfile problem described here ?
Roaming profiles are not saved when a user logs off a Microsoft Windows 2000-based computer or a Microsoft Windows XP-based computer
Please advise.
I will be offline til tomorrow.
Peace, Paul
Did you try Robert's suggestion of creating the logs folder for Profiler?
I don't know how to create a Logs Folder for Profiler.
There is no SID ...1017 only 1005 in my Registry HKEYS/...
So, please respond on how to create the Logs Folder.
Peace, Paul
Looking a bit more deeply into it, it seems that when you run ASP .NET web applications, a registry key is created for the ASPNET user, but that key doesn't remain in the registry in the same way as when you log on interactively. So maybe that '1017' key doesn't exist.
If you access the website you're testing (just using a web browser outside of ANTS), the key should be created an remain as long as you're using the website.
If this doesn't happen, then maybe the ASPNET batch logon that ANTS Profiler does in order to load the user registry doesn't work correctly?
You are right, the 1017 Key only exists in the Registry when the WebSite is running but the Log still shows a User Profile problem ???
7/11/2007 9:47:37 AM ASPNET user SID S-1-5-21-639506975-559059157-1288879434-1017
7/11/2007 9:47:37 AM Unable to set profiling environment data for ASP.NET user - message: Failed to get user profile
Thanks, Paul
Here is the Log:
7/11/2007 9:43:12 AM IISProfileHostLog initialized
7/11/2007 9:43:12 AM PID = 2876
7/11/2007 9:43:12 AM Log file name = IISProfileHostLog2876.txt
7/11/2007 9:43:12 AM OS version = Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2
7/11/2007 9:43:12 AM Machine name = PCE
7/11/2007 9:43:12 AM User name = SYSTEM
7/11/2007 9:43:12 AM StartProfilingIIS currentUserName PCE\Paul Chu, url http://localhost/NaimesWeb/default.aspx, .NET 2.0 Two, IIS5
7/11/2007 9:43:12 AM Parse IIS metabase
7/11/2007 9:43:12 AM InitServiceList
7/11/2007 9:43:12 AM StartIIS
7/11/2007 9:43:12 AM StopServicesInOrder
7/11/2007 9:43:20 AM KillNamedProcess inetinfo.exe
7/11/2007 9:43:20 AM ENGINE - WARNING - Process to be killed, inetinfo.exe, was not found
7/11/2007 9:43:20 AM StartWebService IIS5, .NET Two
7/11/2007 9:43:20 AM Using default .NET 2.0 credentials
7/11/2007 9:43:20 AM ASPNET running as user ASPNET
7/11/2007 9:43:20 AM ASPNET user SID S-1-5-21-639506975-559059157-1288879434-1017
7/11/2007 9:43:20 AM Unable to set profiling environment data for ASP.NET user - message: Failed to get user profile
7/11/2007 9:47:28 AM StartProfilingIIS currentUserName PCE\Paul Chu, url http://localhost/NaimesWeb/default.aspx, .NET 2.0 Two, IIS5
7/11/2007 9:47:28 AM Parse IIS metabase
7/11/2007 9:47:29 AM InitServiceList
7/11/2007 9:47:29 AM StartIIS
7/11/2007 9:47:29 AM StopServicesInOrder
7/11/2007 9:47:37 AM KillNamedProcess inetinfo.exe
7/11/2007 9:47:37 AM ENGINE - WARNING - Process to be killed, inetinfo.exe, was not found
7/11/2007 9:47:37 AM StartWebService IIS5, .NET Two
7/11/2007 9:47:37 AM Using default .NET 2.0 credentials
7/11/2007 9:47:37 AM ASPNET running as user ASPNET
7/11/2007 9:47:37 AM ASPNET user SID S-1-5-21-639506975-559059157-1288879434-1017
7/11/2007 9:47:37 AM Unable to set profiling environment data for ASP.NET user - message: Failed to get user profile
Thanks for posting that. It all looks good as far as I can tell (apart from the "failed to get user profile" bit, of course). It's running as the correct user, detecting the ASP.NET user correctly, and getting the correct SID.
I'll check the code when I get into the office tomorrow morning, and see if I can work out exactly where it could be going wrong.
Red Gate
I now observe that the Registry Key 1017 persists in the Registry.
For some reason, when I opened the Test WebSite earlier ( without opening Ants Profiler), the 1017 key was THEN created in the Registry.
Earlier, it was not there.
I was trying to Open Ants Profiler without starting the WebSite.
Not sure why the registry entry was gone ? probably when I deleted the ASPNET User Profile ?
But I'm not sure why the key wasn't re-created when I opened the web site for testing earlier this week.
Peace, Paul
It seems to be slightly random when the registry keys exist. They correspond to user profiles being loaded and unloaded, which can happen for a variety of reasons, including because ASP.NET is using or because ANTS is (or rather, trying to).
Red Gate
So, if the User Profiles and Registries Entries are "managed" by XP for ASPNET account, I don't know what to try next.
Do you have any further ideas on how to troubleshoot ?
Peace, Paul ... laylang=en