
Rename successfully deployed SQL script

manishkumarmanishkumar Posts: 1 New member
edited January 18, 2023 3:53PM in General Forum
We are defining a new naming convention for the versioned scripts in our team. 
E.g. earlier it was V1.1.1__xx, now we want to make it V2023.01.17.xx
Is it possible to just rename the SQL scripts that are already deployed? 


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    maxadamsmaxadams Posts: 2 New member
    I want to learn SQL language and be a full stack developer)
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    When you have the method, let's dino game know
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    karolinekaroline Posts: 1 New member
    Mən çox ünsiyyətcil deyiləm, amma bu gün birtəhər qonşumla danışdım. Çox yaraşıqlı bir gənc olduğu ortaya çıxdı. Bilirəm ki, onun çoxlu dostu və pulu var. Soruşdum ki, bu qədər pulu necə əldə edir? Və mənə bu satya mostbet-az haqqında danışdı. Düşünürəm ki, çoxları bu haqda daha çox bilmək istər)
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    arick111arick111 Posts: 2 New member
    We are defining a new naming convention for the versioned scripts in our team. 
    E.g. earlier it was V1.1.1__xx, now we want to make it V2023.01.17.xx
    Is it possible to just rename the SQL scripts that are already deployed? 
    No, renaming already deployed SQL scripts could cause issues. It's best to create new scripts with the updated naming convention

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    jerry64jerry64 Posts: 1 New member
    We are defining a new naming convention for the versioned scripts in our team. 
    E.g. earlier it was V1.1.1__xx, now we want to make it V2023.01.17.xx
    Is it possible to just rename the SQL scripts that are already deployed? 

    You're absolutely correct. Renaming already deployed SQL scripts can indeed cause issues, especially if the scripts are referenced elsewhere or if they have already been executed in a production environment.

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