Why does sqldatacompare /Exclude:Additional /Synchronize deletes data from target database
sqldatacompare /Server1:sqlserv1 /db1:tmp /Server2:sqlserv1 /db2:tmpa /Include:table:Bottle /Exclude:Additional /Exclude:Identical /aow:Medium /ignoreParserErrors /Options:k,c,t,drd /warn /verbose /Synchronize >>C:\TEMP1\outputSDC.txt
It deletes the data in tmpa database that is not in tmp. I thought that /Exclude:Additional would stop it from deleting data from the target database
Dan Jary | Redgate Software
Have you visited our Help Center?
Following the support ticket that was created for you. I believe the problem you have reported here using V14.4.4.16824 has been resolved in a later version, V14.4.10.17174.
The latest version of SQL Data Compare is Version
I have updated the ticket and provided a download link where you can download V14.4.4.17174 and V15.5.0.18430. Please upgrade and confirm that the problem is resolved.
Many Thanks
Senior Product Support Engineer
Redgate Software Ltd
Email: support@red-gate.com