Certificate suggestions support

ggeierggeier Posts: 30 Bronze 2
edited December 6, 2017 5:05PM in SQL Prompt
I noticed that certificates aren't completely supported. Is there any way to get these fully supported?
use master
-- sql prompt works for this
create certificate tswift_cert encryption by password = 'blankSpace!' with subject = '1989'

-- CTRL + Shift + D to refresh
-- sql prompt suggests everything except for the certificate name
create login tswift_login from certificate tswift_cert

-- this populates with no issues
drop login tswift_login

-- only 'DROP CERTIFICATE' is suggested, the cert name is not.
drop certificate tswift_cert

edit: I came across another command that's missing a suggestion:
-- the cert login isn't being suggested:
revoke connect sql from tswift_login


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