Project-Refrenced CLR Assemblies Not Recognized
I'm using version (trial). If my database project references a CLR using a Project Reference in Visual Studio (i.e. it's another project in the solution, and is referenced as such), that CLR is not included in the compare. However, if I reference that same assembly using a File Reference (i.e. as a dll file), it is recognized.
Is this a known / expected limitation? Will this be addressed in a future release?
Not a deal breaker, but I am evaluating the product for our company's use and I need to know if I should put this in the "Will Be Fixed" or "Does Not Support" status.
I love your product, by the way. Very, very useful.
Is this a known / expected limitation? Will this be addressed in a future release?
Not a deal breaker, but I am evaluating the product for our company's use and I need to know if I should put this in the "Will Be Fixed" or "Does Not Support" status.
I love your product, by the way. Very, very useful.
Thanks for contacting us!
CLR exclusion is a known issue ... DT+project
If you are really interested in further SSDT project support - I recommend you post over in our UserVoice forum available here ... ce-control
I have also reached out via email in case you have any further questions- hope you have a great weekend!
Warm Regards,
Technical Sales Engineer
Redgate Software
Redgate Software