Feature request

It would be nice to have a setting, so that the first time we compare databases, all objects would start as deselected, instead as selected. I just had an incident, where I though that I deselected all objects in Differences, source only and destination only. In reality the destination only were selected, which I didn't notice, because I manually pick a lot of differences.
The end result was, that I accidentally dropped a lot of objects in one of our test databases.
The end result was, that I accidentally dropped a lot of objects in one of our test databases.
As far as I am aware, SQL Compare remembers the last used selections. For example, if on the last time the tool was used all objects were selected for comparison, all objects will be selected again. If only objects that exist on database A were selected, it would keep the same setting for the next database A.
If however all were unchecked, it would proceed with all objects unchecked.
Would your preferred behaviour be to deselect all objects upon beginning a comparison unless the project has been explicitly saved?
Red Gate Software Ltd
+44 (0)870 160 0037 ext. 8569
1 866 RED GATE ext. 8569
I believe this was the reason why I had more objects selected than I knew of.
Many thanks for your reply.
So, just to confirm, if the databases are changed at all you would expect to see the objects selected for the comparison reset to none? I can add a feature request for this, however for thoroughness, what would you expect to happen if you changed the synch direction when comparing the same databases? Would you expect the objects selected to be reset again or not?
Many thanks!
Red Gate Software Ltd
+44 (0)870 160 0037 ext. 8569
1 866 RED GATE ext. 8569
David Atkinson
Product Manager
Red Gate Software
Product Manager
Redgate Software
I agree with David Atkinson, that sometimes one want to sync with the same objects selected with other databases.
IMO there are two ways of implementing this.
1. Ask the user if he wants to keep the selected objects, if a database was changed.
2. if select all object, select all left only, select all right only or the select all identical is checked and the user changes a database, only select those objects in the new compassion, which also were in the old comparision. The danger is then the tool selects something for you, without your knowledge. If one is not aware, that the tool selected some objects for you, you will get some nasty surprises.
I believe that option 2 is the best solution, but thats a change in how it is done today.
Many thanks for your comments. I have added this as a feature request in our systems under reference SC-4568 , and if we get similar feedback from other users we’ll consider it in a future release of the tool.
Red Gate Software Ltd
+44 (0)870 160 0037 ext. 8569
1 866 RED GATE ext. 8569