ignoring foreign key constraints

chrismcvchrismcv Posts: 4
edited November 12, 2009 11:10AM in SQL Data Compare Previous Versions
hi - i would like to ignore foreign key constraints in my "new" database so they are not generated into the script i'm creating.

i can't see which difference to ignore, or what option on the work to generate.



  • Thanks for your post.

    Are you refering to sycnhronizing the schema or the data?

    If you are perfroming a schema synchronisation using SQL Compare, you can use the option 'Ignore Foreign Keys' which means that the script will not sync the foreign keys.

    If you are using SQL Data Compare for a Data sync' then SQL Data compare will detect the foreign keys on the target databse and give you the oportuntity to disable them for the purposes sync.

    Can you give me an example of what you think shouldn't be happening?
  • hi chris - i meant to post in the SDK section. this is for a schema migration, and I cannot find an IgnoreForeignKeys option in there.
  • Oh ok, no problem.

    The option your're looking for is:

  • splendid, thanks
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