SQL Packager 6.4 has been released

Chris AucklandChris Auckland Posts: 769
edited January 26, 2011 4:41AM in SQL Packager Previous Versions
SQL Packager 6.4 has been released. (26 January 2011)

6.4 is a maintenance release that fixes the following issues in SQL Packager 6.0:

SPA-566 IncludeData switch broken
SPA-535 ERR Creating DB: Data is Null. This method or property cannot be called on Null values.
SPA-548 Batch separation happens on GOTO commands in stored procedures
SPA-549 Exception packaging with non-default options
SPA-541 SQL Packager command line needs a substantial rewrite to incorporate SC and SDC 8 engines
SPA-533 Add option to decrypt encrypted objects in SQL Server 2005 and 2008 databases.
SPA-527 Validate that a database exists before running /presql script
SPA-527 Removed the option for including comment headers in scripts
SPA-534 Missing Collations running package
SPA-536 Ignore STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE property on indexes
SPA-537 Split transactions into specified number of Mb
SPA-538 Change the date format to cater for different collations and/or locale settings
SPA-552 SQL Packager 6 command line asks for SQL Compare license
SPA-555 CL using wrong credentials to register data comparison
SPA-553 NullReferenceException packaging stored procedure script
SPA-558 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object' when generating script
SPA-509 Unable to package large batch
SPA-554 SQL Packager Creating whitespace differences in packaged objects
SPA-571 'The variable name '@pv' has already been declared'

- Include Dependencies option
- Uses the SQL Compare 8.50 and SQL Data Compare 8.50 engines.

To get this update, please use the Check for Updates option available from the Help menu in the application.

If you have found this page by following a link to a support patch, then the fix is included in this fully tested release.
This discussion has been closed.