Doesn't capitalize keyword CASE

With this code:
When I type a space SQL Prompt does not convert it to upper case. I think the problem is that there is a table named Case in the DB, and it is suggesting that I use that even though it isn't a valid suggestion at that point in the query.
Why does SQL Prompt suggest all of the table in a database in the beginning of the WHERE clause? (Or for that matter in the SELECT portion of the clause when the table isn't included in the FROM or is aliased in the FROM clause?)
SELECT * FROM msdb.dbo.backupfile WHERE case<cursor>
When I type a space SQL Prompt does not convert it to upper case. I think the problem is that there is a table named Case in the DB, and it is suggesting that I use that even though it isn't a valid suggestion at that point in the query.
Why does SQL Prompt suggest all of the table in a database in the beginning of the WHERE clause? (Or for that matter in the SELECT portion of the clause when the table isn't included in the FROM or is aliased in the FROM clause?)
When you type the letters Ca<cursor> (to type word case) SQL Prompt should suggest you both the options for table 'Case' and keyword 'CASE' you can select accordingly.
Kindly let me know if SQL Prompt doesn't suggest both the option for you.
Product Support
Redgate Software Ltd.
Try this:
If you try it before you create the [Case] table and refresh the suggestions CASE is properly capitalized after you type it and a space, once you create the [Case] table it is not.
I have logged this issue in our internal tracking system whose unique Id is SP-2863.
Kindly let us know if you have any other issues or questions regarding the product,I'll like to help.
Product Support
Redgate Software Ltd.