PackageSQLException: The login already has an account under

jamesklettjamesklett Posts: 13
edited October 26, 2009 8:42AM in SQL Packager Previous Versions
Trying to build a package from my local DB Server-DB and resatore to same local Server with different DB name. I get this error "The login already has an account under a different user name." The odd thing though is I deselected all the logins from the package setup





  • Thanks for your post.

    This is probably because the release version of SQL Packager 6 always uses the 'include dependencies' option.

    If you have any objects that have a dependency to a user, SQL Packager will always bring the deselected user back into the synchronization.

    We have a patch release that enables you to turn off this option. Can you try it out and let me know if it helps or not? ...
  • Thanks for the response, that appears to work. Thanks you for that. One cool benefit of using the Packager I have found is that it will discover any errors in Views or SProcs upon restore. My test resotore found about 15 bugs in stored procedures.

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