Command Line Documentation Discrepancy

The documentation for using projects with the command line states that:
When you use the command line, your project option selections are ignored and the defaults are used. Use /Options to specify any additional options you want to use with a command line project.
Located here:
But when I run the /options with a project in the command line like this:
sqlcompare /Project:"c:\source\MyApp\Myapp_Sandbox.scp" /Synchronize /Options:Default,if,iip,ist,iup
I get an error stating:
Error: The /project switch cannot be used in conjunction with the /options
switch. Please use SQLCompare.exe /? or SQLCompare.exe /verbose /? for more
Since I'm getting this error I assume the documentation is wrong. Is the only reason to use GUI projects because of the ability to apply custom filters easily? Is there no way to apply options to the project so that they can be used with a project?
When you use the command line, your project option selections are ignored and the defaults are used. Use /Options to specify any additional options you want to use with a command line project.
Located here:
But when I run the /options with a project in the command line like this:
sqlcompare /Project:"c:\source\MyApp\Myapp_Sandbox.scp" /Synchronize /Options:Default,if,iip,ist,iup
I get an error stating:
Error: The /project switch cannot be used in conjunction with the /options
switch. Please use SQLCompare.exe /? or SQLCompare.exe /verbose /? for more
Since I'm getting this error I assume the documentation is wrong. Is the only reason to use GUI projects because of the ability to apply custom filters easily? Is there no way to apply options to the project so that they can be used with a project?
You're quite right, the documentation didn't get updated properly when we made some command line changes. We'll get the docs updated shortly.
It is indeed the case that options can be set with either a GUI project or /Options, and not both.
This was changed as some users were finding the previous situation confusing, and the order of precedence for options was not clear if both ways of specifying theme were allowed.
The main reason to use a project from the command line is the ease of configuring filters. Some of our users also find it more intuitive to use the GUI for setting up their projects.
Technical author
Red Gate Software Ltd