help Me

HI ,
When I trying to compare two database . I received this
Message :Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
I'm using SQLCompare
Is there a way to see where the error occurs in SQLCompare?
I'm currently stuck and can not make a release!
Please Help
When I trying to compare two database . I received this
Message :Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
I'm using SQLCompare
Is there a way to see where the error occurs in SQLCompare?
I'm currently stuck and can not make a release!
Please Help
This error nomally indicates that you have a corrupt object somehwre in your schema. Often it turns out that the object has somehow ended up without an owner.
If you would like us to try and figure out which exact object cause the error, then please feel free to send us SQL Comapre snapshots of the source and target schema to You can create snapshots using File > create snapshot in the SQL Compare UI.
If you are an SDK user, you could try to debug the comparison in visual studio to find the object that caused the failure.
I hope this is helpful.