How do I know when the recommendation will be checked next?

fatherjack2fatherjack2 Posts: 311
edited October 15, 2009 6:59AM in SQL Monitor Previous Versions
Is there a way to configure the frequency of recommendation checks or tell when the next one is please?

Currently, on some recommendations I only see "A check for whether this recommendation is still active is being made at set intervals" which is next to useless. I do have "last checked: xx minutes ago" on some but on others I get "Last checked : More than a day ago".
Oddly I have this last comment under a recommendation that is apparently checked every 0.1 hours.

I dont feel I can trust this part of the UI... :(

thoughts / advice / encouragement all welcomed!


Senior DBA
Careers South West Ltd


  • Hi Jonathan,

    Sorry for problems you are having. We would definitely try to improve UI for this particular part in V 2.0.

    As far as the recommendation checks are concerned. The default recommendation check frequency is every 5 hour provided the config file has not been changed. I am sending you a PM regarding this in detail.

    Priya Sinha
    Project Manager
    Red Gate Software
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