
Run SQLPackager as upgrade

GarymazzoneGarymazzone Posts: 16 Bronze 1
edited October 8, 2009 10:31AM in SQL Packager Previous Versions
I have created a new package to add users to a database from a script. The exe works fine if I run from the GUI selecting the Upgrade an existing database option and select the database to run against.

How can I do this from the command line:

I have tried the following:
addusertest /server:usd503\sql2008 /database:serviceshub /rundb:serviceshub -- Fails wit database already exists

addusertest /server:usd503\sql2008 /rundb:serviceshub -- Fails wit database already exists

So how do I execute the package to perform an upgrade and not create a new database?


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    Brian DonahueBrian Donahue Posts: 6,590 Bronze 1
    Hi Gary,

    We have got a patched installation of SQL Packager (v6.0.1.9) that fixes this bug, so that a package will only create a database when the /makedatabase option is used. Please contact support@red-gate.com if you need this update. Since it's untested, we are only distributing the update if it's absolutely necessary.
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